Best BJJ kimono

Newverse said:
I just have no experience with them.. Where are they available at.. what do you like about them? Thanks for all your insight, just havent heard much of them or where to order.

honestly, the best gi ive ever bought (except atama golds which are the industry standard). get a mkimonos hybrid, theyre unreal.
Ghost Dog said:

honestly, the best gi ive ever bought (except atama golds which are the industry standard). get a mkimonos hybrid, theyre unreal.

Wow there are so many options on the site.. Whats the best weave? Most look to be out of stock.. I like a heavy strong gi thats hard to manipulate.. but i wouldnt mind something soft or something I could wear when it gets hot either.. These look very comfortable.

So far still considering:


.... Heh, so many choices.
atama is terrible, koral is the way to go... if you got money try lucky or mizuno
atama is terrible? you my friend are a retard - and a rookie.
I love my Atama doube weave, just want to try different things.. What do people think about Sirius, Torah, and Kagi?
I have a Sirius and I must say it's the best gi i have. I also had an HCK, which i sold because i didn't like it's feel, but it was still a very good gi.

Woldorf USA makes a great Jiu-jitsu gi. Eventhough they look kinda generic, they're pretty good.
atama gold lately has been my favorite

that is out of my kimonos i own(i am a gi whore, i have clothes from the '90's ex. dickies and t-shirts cortez and chucks, but i have a new fucking gi all the time)

out of

koral classic and MKM
Mizuno conguest and sport
keiko raca black and navy blue
Dumau-new model

i just ordered a Dragao so we will see in about 2 weeks
GZUS said:
atama gold lately has been my favorite

that is out of my kimonos i own(i am a gi whore, i have clothes from the '90's ex. dickies and t-shirts cortez and chucks, but i have a new fucking gi all the time)

out of

koral classic and MKM
Mizuno conguest and sport
keiko raca black and navy blue
Dumau-new model

i just ordered a Dragao so we will see in about 2 weeks

whoa, that is a lot.. no experience with Torah, Sirius, or Kagi though ay? Thanks for the input
Newverse said:
whoa, that is a lot.. no experience with Torah, Sirius, or Kagi though ay? Thanks for the input

on really hot days the korals are the best out of all of them

now i don't own any torahs but one of my instructors do Odie Neto. the feel of the one he has is similar to korals

if you go to the brazilian site and want to order look at the weights of the gis

350-500 g/sqm is usually single weave weight

500-800 g/sqm is usually gold weave weight

800-1200 gr/sqm is usually double weave weight

depending on your preference or training needs depend on what you should get.

for me hotter months i use my lightweight gis
warm months i use my middleweight gis
cold months i use my heavier gi
Yeah, I think I want another thick tough one for now cause its very cold, and I just enjoy having a tough collar and hard to manipulate Gi.. I'll probably get another, a lighter one, when summer comes around.
GZUS said:
atama gold lately has been my favorite

that is out of my kimonos i own(i am a gi whore, i have clothes from the '90's ex. dickies and t-shirts cortez and chucks, but i have a new fucking gi all the time)

out of

koral classic and MKM
Mizuno conguest and sport
keiko raca black and navy blue
Dumau-new model

i just ordered a Dragao so we will see in about 2 weeks

damn you have a lot of gis... what about the atama makes it your favorite? I have a koral and howard, both being extremely nice the howard being a little too thick for my taste.
brollikk said:
damn you have a lot of gis... what about the atama makes it your favorite? I have a koral and howard, both being extremely nice the howard being a little too thick for my taste.

i like atama gold because it is right in the middle(weight) of HCK and Koral. and right now it is mild end of winter over here in japan. it is also soft even if hang dried. the fit is perfect. A2 -5'10" 175lbs. it is comfortable and it has a flat collar. alot of people like thick hard to manipulat gis, i am the opposite i like to train with people being able to control me an easily choke me. so when i do put on my HCK or Keiko for competition i feel unchokable!!!

I also like the traditional simple look of a 2 piece kimono.

alot of people complain of seam on back but i never noticed, if one does it is because you are flat on your back(rarely you should ever be flat on your back)
GZUS said:
i like atama gold because it is right in the middle(weight) of HCK and Koral. and right now it is mild end of winter over here in japan. it is also soft even if hang dried. the fit is perfect. A2 -5'10" 175lbs. it is comfortable and it has a flat collar. alot of people like thick hard to manipulat gis, i am the opposite i like to train with people being able to control me an easily choke me. so when i do put on my HCK or Keiko for competition i feel unchokable!!!

I also like the traditional simple look of a 2 piece kimono.

alot of people complain of seam on back but i never noticed, if one does it is because you are flat on your back(rarely you should ever be flat on your back)
I agree with what he said.
I am ready for to throw another gi into the mix because washing is getting annoying.
Its gonna be another Atama Gold. I love my Gold.
Good thing Atama is down the street...I dont have to pay the 5 dollars shipping. :D
Newverse said:
Not many people use Torah? Or know how to translate.. heh
Looks like a judo kimono. And their site gives the "We make the best gi's because we use different technology" babble that most companies say.
Anyone here ever worn the gold and the single? If so which do you guys think is better and why? And please don't say "I like the gold cause it keeps me warm/cool". Fortunate enough for me, my academy is indoors.
Soid said:
Anyone here ever worn the gold and the single? If so which do you guys think is better and why? And please don't say "I like the gold cause it keeps me warm/cool". Fortunate enough for me, my academy is indoors.

it does depend! i train indoors as well. in the winter we use the heater but summer we don't use AC and with 50 sweaty dudes on the mat make it humid and hot as hell.
GZUS said:
i like atama gold because it is right in the middle(weight) of HCK and Koral. and right now it is mild end of winter over here in japan. it is also soft even if hang dried. the fit is perfect. A2 -5'10" 175lbs. it is comfortable and it has a flat collar. alot of people like thick hard to manipulat gis, i am the opposite i like to train with people being able to control me an easily choke me. so when i do put on my HCK or Keiko for competition i feel unchokable!!!

I also like the traditional simple look of a 2 piece kimono.

alot of people complain of seam on back but i never noticed, if one does it is because you are flat on your back(rarely you should ever be flat on your back)

hm... I see. What about the keiko raca? I hear it shrinks if dried but do you prefer your atama over it solely based on the thickness of the collar?
brollikk said:
hm... I see. What about the keiko raca? I hear it shrinks if dried but do you prefer your atama over it solely based on the thickness of the collar?

yes they weigh roughly around the same since keiko is a hybrid weave.

the collar is much thicker and stiffer than atama. so i prefer to train in atama, and i compete in keiko.

also the cut of the atama is bigger than keiko. longer skirt, longer wider sleeves, more cloth to grab on the atama. so with more to grab makes it harder to move in training.

the slim cut tapered sleeves and very short skirt make it hard to hold you down in competition wearing the keiko

that is what i find in both
brollikk said:
hm... I see. What about the keiko raca? I hear it shrinks if dried but do you prefer your atama over it solely based on the thickness of the collar?

oh yeah if you put it in the drier it(keiko) will shrink like hell. cold wash and hang dry for sure.