Belfort scares the $hit out of me and probably you as well

He's definitely a weird kind of manic/depressive.... I have no idea what the root of it all is, but it's hard to predict and is equal parts exciting and disappointing.
His sister was kidnapped and murderd. The. You sprinkle some Jesus in there and vuala. Crazy!
Belfort round one

If I was Bisping i'd be creaming my pants realizing this psycho path is going to be locked in a cage with me.

"Creaming my pants" means something different than you think it means. Or maybe not.
Were it Wand and the fight would have started right there.

I hate Bisping, but liking Vitor is a bit difficult... what are the chances of a double KO?
Were it Wand and the fight would have started right there.



From what i remember Rampage was actually being really respectful when he was on the mic. Wand just came in like a pitbull.
There is no doubt Belfort is slightly insane.

Lol at him just starting to scream at Bisping "I'm READY WOOO I'm READY"

If I was Bisping i'd be creaming my pants realizing this psycho path is going to be locked in a cage with me.

FYI, usually if someone is so scared that they lose control of their bodily functions, they 'pee' their pants, rather than 'cream' their pants.

edit: Although who am I to decide whether or not you would be creaming your pants at the sight of Vitor?


From what i remember Rampage was actually being really respectful when he was on the mic. Wand just came in like a pitbull.

Pretty sure he was saying "that's my belt," and his body language alone doesn't convey any form of respect.
Belfort via KO in round 1 or 2. Too much hand speed for Bisping to handle. Bisping is a very solid fighter, but I'm tired of the UFC pretending that this guy is a legitimate contender. The answer is no. Probably not even top 5.
Vitor is usually the "sucky Vitor" when he is in danger. Either of being KO'd outright or grounded and pounded out... I'm sorry .. Bisping is able to do neither or these. IMO, this is Vitor's fight to lose

Not overly scared tbh. This is probably the first time I have ever pulled for Bisping.
Belfort via KO in round 1 or 2. Too much hand speed for Bisping to handle. Bisping is a very solid fighter, but I'm tired of the UFC pretending that this guy is a legitimate contender. The answer is no. Probably not even top 5.

You are the reason American MMA fans catch so much shit. I bet you're on your couch chanting "USA" whenever there is an evil foreigner fighting.
Pretty sure he was saying "that's my belt," and his body language alone doesn't convey any form of respect.

Lol, after Wanderlei jumped into the ring and got in his face. What did you want Rampage to do, give him a kiss? Haters are void of all logic.

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