Social Based Breakdancing Dad vs Spoiled Influencer Daughter

How would you like to go?

I can get the job done with a bag of these, instant lethal diabetes but so worth it.


I fuckin love krówki

Haven't had them in years
Sounds like a publicity stunt.

And even if it isn’t, I don’t care enough to read on.
They created a narrative out of thin air. Genius. Everyone should post videos debunking videos of nobodies that nobody watched in the first place.
Sounds like a publicity stunt.

And even if it isn’t, I don’t care enough to read on.
I ain’t either, does feel like a good old fashioned publicity stunt, or at least at this point, they’re milking whatever’s left.
I hate that PearlyThings girl almost as much as the 14 year old shitlord meme speak like using "based" as an adjective
Has nobody watched his video? The way the guy is speaking is whacked!
He says he took up breakdancing 7 years after he and his wife divorced. He owned a marketing firm beforehand.
Dad also posted several pictures of him with his kids. Vacations, restaurants, graduation, etc.
I hate that PearlyThings girl almost as much as the 14 year old shitlord meme speak like using "based" as an adjective
She is insufferable, but somehow less so than the average thot.
@Hog-train not sure if you saw the latest...

I think this guy is doing a good job of hiding just how hurt he must be, all to continue to prop his child up.
A true man.
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- I thought they would solve their diferences in a danca battle!