Bas Rutten's MMA Workout


Apr 18, 2005
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First: this isn't some sort of endorsement, aside from the fact that I'm just a guy who comes here to learn new things and share some of what I've learned.

The short of it:

Buy it.

Use it.

The long of it:

If you're solo training, then I strongly advise that you give this serious consideration. I've been hitting the bag (among other things) for about 9 months now and was fairly comfortable with the level that I've attained.

Being comfortable in something is typically the first of many signs that you need to step it up.

My bag routines were quite demanding, and had been customized from King Kabuki's program which you can find stickied above. However the problem that I had not considered is that my "routine" was precisely that: a routine that had structure, the tempo of which I would set on my own. Hence if I was a little tired that day, I may have unconciously slowed my pace, which in turn earned me diminshing returns from my workout.

That is where a routine like Bas' really assists the self-motivated solo trainer - it dictates the pace, not you. If you are tired, the CD doesn't really care and the commands come out at the same pace. You are then left to suck it up and push yourself to keep up, or stumble, fall behind and deal with self-disappointment.

I'm currently using the Boxing CD, however when I'm able to complete the 3 minute round workout in a manner that satisfies me, I have 3 other CD's (thai boxing, all around fighting, all around workout) to progress through.

Anyhow, just thought I'd share.
I started using them about two weeks ago. Great stuff. I would highly recommend it.
I use these all the time!!!! The all around fighting workout and all aroiund workout is ridiculous. By the time you complete the all around workout your soaked with sweat and ready to collapse. The boxing tape is great because you throw about a million combinations...but personally i've been using the thai boxing tapes, varrying between the 2 minute round tape one day and the 3 minute rounds tape the next day I train.
I love Bas's tapes, they are the best workout I've found and they make pad work so much harder because there's always someone driving me (I need to find a weight training partner with a dutch accent, because I just cant push myself as hard without it). I love the all around workout because I'm sometimes away from home and have no training kit or partners, but as long as I've got my cd player I can work out to the point where I simply collapse by the end.

Anyone who does'nt have them should definetly buy them.
cool!! I ordered this on Friday.

Those of you doing the all round workout, do you do it on the bag? or just shadow box?

If you do it on the bag what kind of gloves are you using?
I always use boxing gloves for the bags, the biggest pair I have are 12oz so I use them
EddNg said:
I always use boxing gloves for the bags, the biggest pair I have are 12oz so I use them

do you find you can sprwal and do press ups in them?
Yeah I find it no problem doing sprawls or push ups, I dont find sprawls being affected to much with the big gloves and I just do knuckle push-ups
does it only work your cardio or does it build any strength
Do I NEED any equipment to use the cd?
The only equipment you really need is mats so you can do the neck bridges and the sprawling, otherwise you only need yourself... and the tapes of course.

does it only work your cardio or does it build any strength
It makes you more conditioned for the ring. The all round workout tape is really just a number of exercises thrown into a 30min shadowboxing session. The main focus of this is to constantly break your breathing pattern to make you more tired, just as you would in a match. It's no substitute for lifting weight but I would rather do the All Round Workout than run around the block a few times.
PikeKing said:
cool!! I ordered this on Friday.

Those of you doing the all round workout, do you do it on the bag? or just shadow box?

If you do it on the bag what kind of gloves are you using?
I use bag gloves because I find it very awkward to do sprawls in boxing gloves and they give me better hand protection than using my mma gloves.
Long time owner of the Bas Rutten merchandise sets. Yes, I even wore the Bas Rutten T-shirts in public. The workout CD's are ridiculous. Most fighters who consider themselves well-conditioned flush their entire gas tank by about 1/2 way through. I'm recovering from a series of injuries, but my 'staple' for conditioning is being able to pass the entire All Around workout with at least 25 of each exercise per call. (each 30 seconds push-ups, at least 25 reps, etc) I've had buddies from the Army Rangers gawk at my level of physical conditioning which revolves HEAVILY around the Bas Rutten workout. My Prime/Fight Preparation is achieving the level of stamina to perform the full All Around workout as described above, and then immediately Disc Skip to Muay Thai/All Around Fighting CD and shoot through one of the Tracks on that one.

Seriously, for any who doubt, remember that Peter Aerts, Mark Kerr, Bas Rutten, and numerous other big name fighters have also endorsed this product without need for compensation. It's THAT good.
I bought mine from sherdog, called Bas Ruttens Mixed Martial Arts Workout.

I had my first go at it today. Its great. I totally gased. Did a few boxing rounds, shadow boxing. Then tried taking it to the bag. I had to go back to shadow boxing!

Also did 2 thai rounds and 2 all round workout rounds to try it out.

I can tell that sticking to this will have me in badass shape!
I have the mma workout, the big dvd's, and his lethel street fighting dvds, worth every penny.

Bas knows his shit and puts out a high quality product, I'm a believer in Rutten.

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