Bane vs Winter Soldier?


Silver Belt
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Bane - Played by Tom Hardy in 2012's The Dark Knight Rises



Winter Soldier - Played by Sebastian Stan in 2014's Captain America Winter Soldier


-Two of my all time favorite performances in comic book movies, which do you prefer?

As much as i love Nolan's Batman films, and loved Hardy's performance i give this to Stan's winter Soldier.
I thought this was a fight thread in which Bucky would win easily. Now I see it's a who is better which Bucky wins easily, although the bromance at the end of the movie took away from the intensity of the character.
Bane is better for sure. Tom Hardy was given more opportunities to develop the character and he also made the absolute most of them.

The Winter Soldier is kind of like Darth Maul. Looks cool, fights cool. Not a whole lot more to him.
I thought this was a fight thread in which Bucky would win easily. Now I see it's a who is better which Bucky wins easily, although the bromance at the end of the movie took away from the intensity of the character.
I like that though, i mean it gives his character layers. He's the villain but its not his fault you feel sympathetic, especially during the brain wash scene. I think Stan does a great job with his facial expressions in that scene and just overall.

I do like both though. Bane was pretty BA.
well Bane beat a slugging out of prime Batman, then lost

Bucky stalemate Cap, looks like he's being jobbed in Civil War with the kicks

The WS
In a fight: Bane. Bane actually killed people and beat up Bats. Winter Solder looked badass but he was the biggest can assassin. Couldn't even kill Nick Fury with all the cronies he had.

Acting wise: Draw. They were both awesome.
Bane is better for sure. Tom Hardy was given more opportunities to develop the character and he also made the absolute most of them.

The Winter Soldier is kind of like Darth Maul. Looks cool, fights cool. Not a whole lot more to him.

Nolan developed him quite a bit more than his other characters. I find him to be one of the most sympathetic and interesting baddies ever on film.

Even when Talia has a knife in Batman's side, I'm feeling more sorry for her and Bane.

Bane is a victim as much as he is an antagonist, and his motive is his interpretation of benevolence.
one of them is a cuckhold that let the hero fuck his girl and then got killed by a motorcycle the other one is winter soldier who fought in ww 2 and survived falling off a train. ws by tko
well Bane beat a slugging out of prime Batman, then lost

Bucky stalemate Cap, looks like he's being jobbed in Civil War with the kicks

The WS
Does bucky have the super soldier serum like Cap? I would assume since like you aid he stalemated Cap.

yea in all the trailers he is getting out hand to handed against tony, beat up by panther, and arm ripped off like wtf he's my favorite character in mcu behind cap so it kinda sucks.
bionic fap > synthol fap
In a fight: Bane. Bane actually killed people and beat up Bats. Winter Solder looked badass but he was the biggest can assassin. Couldn't even kill Nick Fury with all the cronies he had.

Acting wise: Draw. They were both awesome.

Tom Hardy Bane is not cybernetically or chemically enhanced. Winter Soldier has cybernetic enhanced.
The first movie Bane by roid rage KO.
Bane took over a whole city. Winter Soldier couldn't do that even if he has a bionic fap arm.

Need I say more?
Winter Solder still sucks though - can't kill anyone.


Truth. Bane killed everyone he ever tried to. He didn't want to kill Batman but he could have. How many people did Winter Soldier fail to kill in the span of just one movie??

There's only one person Bane EVER failed to kill, and it came back to cost him.

