Balding - How to look good

I don't really like that bald I'm kinda out shape too, man..

I’m lucky to still have a full head of hair approaching 56 years old. If it does start thinning then I would just shave it off.

If you're bald and light skinned you need a beard. Otherwise you look creepy:


Even those that pull of bald the best still look better with a beard:


You either look good with a bald head or not. I have glorious hair but if I go bald I'm fucked. I do not have a nice shaped head. <Moves>

As others have said it's a trifecta: 1) cut it real short 2) grow whatever style of beard suits you 3) work out.

Another thing you can do is try to dress a little better than people in your peer group.

If you don't wanna do any of those things, just try to look like a younger Patrick Stewart. Can't go wrong with that.

When I lost my hair, I was sad for a little while, but now I actually feel it suits me. I do get bald-shamed 500 times a week, though. That's what you get for working with young people.

Well, I'm broke so dress better option isn't an option for me lol

I just wish my hair would just grow back...that would be's sad yeah...i know lots of Sherbros seem to be happy about shaving but me don't like lol :(
not worried as my thick nexk will make my bald head look gangster .
Hair is a pain in the ass anyways so be happy mother nature is giving you a hand keeping it in check. Shave that shit and never look back.

I just can't let go man....

Our admins husband is totally bald on top except for a "crown of hair that goes all the way around which he SPIKES UP. It is the strangest thing I have ever seen. Don't do that.

Would make a handy self defense weapon