Bagwork (punches)

I don't even got posting skills I totally derailed everything. Well instagram was fun.

Deleting dog account soon. What I gotta do start thread in the lower bar subforum.

Was fun.

I think I'm more made for lurking aka reading.

I open everyday check the news. Watch mma world. Watch fights. Mostly scenes. After 18 years of watching I wanna watch Conor. Usman Colby was dope. It's about the set up. To just watch a fight cause it's a good fight. Rarely. Watch K1 classics. Yall missing out, 90 20ies kickboxers best fighters of all time.

And I read sherdog like check underground news, what do the fans think public opinion, rarely even read something good on it's own dog original related.

Back to reading.

This was just to have 150 posts, to post a sparring video.

To inspire me.

Besides that. Posting on sherdog ? <45><45> Not want my private info publicly on the internet.

Frode how was your day ?
And just posting to post is like. Just to talk ?

Would rather talk to family.

You didn't want to share this one, but the one with the guy who doesn't formaly train

Low kick at the end conects with 3% power and your sparing partner Winces

Number 1 priority be fancy look good for sherdog and youtube

This play sparring is how he develops his skills. And they are for real as far as I can tell from his YT Catalog.

I just don't like his style. The baby footwork looks babyish. But it's not, apparently. Frode's a fooler in the worst sense of the word. Got the win in Thailand to prove it.<{jackyeah}>

Spazzes over karate style though.:rustled:
This play sparring is how he develops his skills. And they are for real as far as I can tell from his YT Catalog.

I just don't like his style. The baby footwork looks babyish. But it's not, apparently. Frode's a fooler in the worst sense of the word. Got the win in Thailand to prove it.<{jackyeah}>

Spazzes over karate style though.:rustled:

I feel like I do light sparring to the point it's similar to play sparring . My sparring is soft, relatively speaking, on purpose. His sparring is almost like a showcase. It's like he is good at play sparring and needs to get good at light sparring. It's unrealistic. Even light sparring is not like fighting and causes different
... how do I call it, just different.

Hard sparring cauzes damage so I don't even do it since I don't compete. Sometimes some weirdos you don't know start going 100% on sparring day, happened before. More like they try to hit hard if they can't outskill you. Getting beat up a lil is good practice too.
I feel like I do light sparring to the point it's similar to play sparring . My sparring is soft, relatively speaking, on purpose. His sparring is almost like a showcase.
Yes, that's the word that describes it. And why his content is so good for TSF.

It's like he is good at play sparring and needs to get good at light sparring. It's unrealistic. Even light sparring is not like fighting and causes different
... how do I call it, just different.
I sense, and is reinforced by the culture here, that this sparring is central to one acquiring high skills. We don't have that culture in Judo. This is why I think the Asian model is better. We focus on technique. Certainly much more than MMA camps. But I also sense the better boxing gyms center on basics too.

Hard sparring cauzes damage so I don't even do it since I don't compete. Sometimes some weirdos you don't know start going 100% on sparring day, happened before. More like they try to hit hard if they can't outskill you. Getting beat up a lil is good practice too.
I understand. And this is why Jigoro Kano specifically advocated randori. This we understand.

Watching the Frode bagwork, the value I get is the blend of strength & coordination in his hands. I'm also of the mind that bagwork is the best medium to get those boxing basics applied.

Can't argue with his results. 'Least not on the level of bag work.