ATTN: LSG, Karebear, Nipples



Here is a pic of my boyfriend... post pics of your boyfriends.....


and to the rest of your ROMOs, have fun beating off...
who is he having a staring contest with?
You know, this is too easy. I think I'll just leave this one alone.
Originally posted by USAWrestler
all I hear is "Woawoawowowoooaawawoaoaoaoaw" like Charlie Brown's teacher.

damn, he looks like someone just broke a broomstick off in his ass.
Actually.. if any of your fucktards would grow up, get a dick, and join the military (something that for once, is unselfish) you would know that military men are told to pose like that in pictures.. they dont smile because they mean business.. simple as that..

That's one Marine who has spent too much time with guys in the Navy.
Well, meaning business or not, he still looks like he's constipated. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm not photogenic, but if you're going to throw a pic up, expect criticism.
Originally posted by squeezibean
Actually.. if any of your fucktards would grow up, get a dick, and join the military (something that for once, is unselfish) you would know that military men are told to pose like that in pictures.. they dont smile because they mean business.. simple as that..

Are military "men" also told to get ugly ass girlfriends?
Originally posted by RangerATL

That's one Marine who has spent too much time with guys in the Navy.

hey Ranger.. isnt it the Army's moto BOHICA... BEND OVER HERE IT COMES AGAIN
He's got a turtlehead he's holding in and it's about to slip!

(scottish accent) Crap captain! I just can't doit! I don't have the power!
Originally posted by Mr. Blue
Are military "men" also told to get ugly ass girlfriends?

hey dicklick, until you post a picture of your pathetic self, I wouldnt say shit, blubber boy.. you probibly look like you got hit in the face with a wiffle ball
Originally posted by squeezibean
hey dicklick, until you post a picture of your pathetic self, I wouldnt say shit, blubber boy.. you probibly look like you got hit in the face with a wiffle ball

Seeing as how a wiffle ball is made of plastic and is hollow I fail to see how that would effect my face. yeah, those military boys like their women smart as a whip!
Joining military isn't an unselfish noble act, it's for losers without direction in their sorry life, and officers' sons who are brainwashed into joining it.

I'm printing your boyfriend's image as we speak so I can wipe off my ass with that stupid face next time I take a shit.
Originally posted by Mr. Blue
Seeing as how a wiffle ball is made of plastic and is hollow I fail to see how that would effect my face. yeah, those military boys like their women smart as a whip! if she said a wiffle ball bat that would be a different story because I've been hit with one and they can hurt. My peepee didn't feel too good.
Yep. Us military guys are forced to strike a constipated pose every time a camera is nearby.

For example, look at this picture of my and my buddy, each as stiff as a board, each as constipated looking as the previous picture of the boyfriend.

Originally posted by Mr. Blue
Seeing as how a wiffle ball is made of plastic and is hollow I fail to see how that would effect my face. yeah, those military boys like their women smart as a whip!

hey dipshit.. if you get hit in the face hard enough, like it would be hard with how many chins you have, it will leave crater marks that resemble the many zits you probibly have... maybe if you pull your head out of your ass you would understand that, cum dumpster
Originally posted by FightTilYouDie
Joining military isn't an unselfish noble act, it's for losers without direction in their sorry life, and officers' sons who are brainwashed into joining it.

I'm printing your boyfriend's image as we speak so I can wipe off my ass with that stupid face next time I take a shit.

simple as this FTYD.. get the flying fuck out of this dont like your pathetic ass being defended.. if it wasnt for military people, you would be able to post such a retarded post like that on this thread... like I said in the "For Squeezibean" thread.. its pretty fucking sad how you idiots take advantage and disrespect our freedoms like you do.. I would love for you to try to pull this kind of shit in China, or any other communist country.. it wouldnt be happening.. so get off your pathetic high throne and get a fucking life loser