Attn : Heavily Tattooed Sherdoggers


White Belt
Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
Im Losing A Shitload Of Mat Time Here.

I Had A Few Big Pieces Already Before I Started Rolling.

Im Working On A Good Size Piece Right Now, And Im Never Healed Enough To Roll Between Sessions.

Suggestions Please.
I took 48 hours off after my sittings, just keep them moist they will be fine! If they are going to peel they are going to peel whether you roll or not. You'll be fine, lets see pics
Wrong- take your pick, keep getting work done and hold off on rolling or keep rolling and hold off on your ink.
I wouldn't roll until you were completely finished and the tats were heels. It is a good way to spread infection.
Take it from a guy that has a lot of big pieces done...

Let the ink heal out before you go back to rolling. For many reasons but the main ones being:
-infection: your new tattoo is like an open wound, and you do not want to be rubbing all over the dirty mats (regardless of how much they get cleaned) and risk getting some crazy ass infection
-screwing up your ink: if you do not let the ink heal correctly, and you go and role, and you pull off a bunch of scabs/healing may rip the ink out (for lack of a better term), meaning you need that area inked again, or worse you will get a nasty bit of scar tissue that will destroy any fine lines laid down...

So either finished your ink up before you go back to training


schedule enough time inbetween sessions so that you can go train for a while before you go back to your next session

hope that helps
You guys are exactly right!!! Tattoo's are like open wounds, now would you not roll if you had a cut, bc u feared infection? Of course not! Would you rub aquaphor or other lotions into a cut? Or course not! So people do not treat tats like cuts (although they should) just keep the tat CLEAN and moist and you will be fine!

There is NO reason to stop rolling just bc you got ink, I've never heard of anyone getting an infection bc of BJJ. Just OBVIOUSLY clean it immediately after rolling, but it can absolutely get sweaty! Like I said, if it was going to peel it was going to do so anyway (bc of how your skin accepted the ink) so you should be FINE after 2-3 days.

But opinions vary....MINE was fine 2 days later. Maybe it has to do with the tattoo artist though. ALL the guys at my school roll within 2 days and they are really nice pieces that never got affected!
I have heard a few stories of new tattoos getting blown the fuck up on the mat.....let them heal.
I usually take off 8-10 days on single pieces, but right now Im in every 2nd weekend.
Heres a pic forgive the poor physique, like I said Im missing alot of mat time.


Im on the left.
Chest is the piece in question.
Only a couple more sessions and its done. Then finish the sleeve.
My friend waits to holidays or a time when he knows he can't train (because of injury or other issues) to get ink done. This way he will make sure it heals before hes back on the mat.
Stop getting tats?

correct. i would recommend two things here. one, next time you sit, sit for a long ass time so you get twice the amount done, so when it heals you should be alright to train at least for a month? two, let your tats heal at least one week... if youre spending all this time and money on your ink, dont be stupid about it and risk infection and a lesser quality tat because you want to train.

bottom line, if you want to train, take a break from ink. train hard, and get tatt'd when you get injured or are getting burnt out or something?
I see everyones point.
I'll try and bang out one more session instead of 2 and get back on the mats.
I mean look at me, I look like 185 lbs of chewed bubblegum.
Im Losing A Shitload Of Mat Time Here.

I Had A Few Big Pieces Already Before I Started Rolling.

Im Working On A Good Size Piece Right Now, And Im Never Healed Enough To Roll Between Sessions.

Suggestions Please.

I agree with the majority of posters on this one...let it heal. You are at great risk for getting a nasty bacteria like Community Acquired MRSA which can put you in the hospital. This will mess up your tattoo (you just wasted a few hundred bucks) and prolong your time off the mat.
I wait for breaks, or times I know when I'll be out for awhile, usually about 2 weeks
Ive been doing other sports before i started doing bjj and i didnt really stop just to let it heal.

Ive seen people applying a+d then wrapping it up underneath their gear and not have a problem but it wasnt on a big part of the body like the chest or back.
I usually take off 8-10 days on single pieces, but right now Im in every 2nd weekend.
Heres a pic forgive the poor physique, like I said Im missing alot of mat time.
*deleted to save space*

Im on the left.
Chest is the piece in question.
Only a couple more sessions and its done. Then finish the sleeve.

is that andrew WK? haha it looks like him.

the guys at my gym dont roll right after they get their pieces done
I would warp it up if you roll without warping up you do not risk infection its only a matter of luck and time before it gets infection. Besides that you will ruin the tat rolling also a little tip to some of you guys talking about keeping it moist I wouldn't put any A+D etc. on a new tat for at least a week or it will dull out the ink.
Grappling in Death Before Dishonor b-ball shorts should prevent any sort of infection