Athletes, Musicians or Actors - Who are the most overrated group?

Who are the most overrated group?

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Actors... While there are some great ones out there... The majority of them are terrible and only fill a typecast. Half of them aren't any better than the average person in the street... They just look good on camera.
probably the big dumb actor on the stage clamoring for praise and attention cause they can read out loud.
Many more people can do a acting job, Compared to being a athlete or working with music.

Thats actually a field where you need to be a musician or a athlete.

I would go as far as say that most people can do a solid acting job in a movie. Under the right circumstances.

Musicians take at least a reasonable amount of training and skill to be decent at.
Athletes, same.
A great actor the same, however, there are some big paid actors who are less skilled and talented than college theater actors. People have had successful acting gigs with 0 experience.
Actors by a mile. Music and sport are real accomplishments of historical reference.

Acting is a game of theatre and trickery and could generally be considered useless by most metrics.
Athletes imo. Not bashing, but many sports activities do not require much intellect at all, and yet when athletes become famous they start to want for people to listen to them and it is often unbearable. Highest % of good-for-nothings aside from their specialization, I think.
Acting and music usually require a tad more brain activity than lifting weights or running. I will not try to make it look like actors and musicians don't have their % of dumb cunts, though <Lmaoo>
Actors by far. When marky mark can just decide to switch from rapping to acting and immediately become a huge star, you know your industry is pretty weak.

When was the last time a musician decided to play a major pro sport? Master P when he tried out for the hornets? He didn't even make the team.

Pro athletes might sometimes be dumb assholes but you can't deny that it takes an insane amount of work to get to that level.
Actors by a mile. Music and sport are real accomplishments of historical reference.

Acting is a game of theatre and trickery and could generally be considered useless by most metrics.
Weren't they considered degenerates during Shakespeare's time? Athletes and musicians have always been exalted.
They are all overrated to a degree, but which one is the most overrated bunch?
Athletes .actors can not do that much stuff but athletes are just for.some.reason glorified in this country just because they can jump high or have big biceps.i mean most boring people to listen to it is always saying same thing and then when script is not around you seee how egotistical they are condescending violent to.their partners they are. And most funniest thing when media attacks them for doing something wrong or off script these fans go out there and fight their fight
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I think we place far too much value on sports, but if you've reached the highest levels of a sport and stay there for any length of time, it's because you're actually good at that sport.

There are plenty of actors and musicians that are at the highest level and are mediocre at best.

You're not going to find guys who are even in the same universe of athletic ability as the pros at most local gyms, but you can find plenty of no name local bands every bit as talented as 99% of pop stars at your local bar. There are obviously exceptions, but being a pop music star doesn't mean you're actually a world class musician, it means you had the right look, sound, and connections. Same with acting.
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I think we place far too much value on sports, but if you've reached the highest levels of a sport and stay there for any length of time, it's because you're actually good at that sport.

There are plenty of actors and musicians that are at the highest level and are mediocre at best.

You're not going to find guys who are even in the same universe of athletic ability as the pros at most local gyms, but you can find plenty of no name local bands every bit as talented as 99% of pop stars at your local bar. There are obviously exceptions, but being a pop music star doesn't mean you're actually a world class musician, it means you had the right look, sound, and connections. Same with acting.
Actors are good most of them they need to just pretend to be something else and that is impressive even for most clumsy one. But those that play them self rock dizel cris rock Smith and others they can not even convince cingly playtime self with out having some blunder out there. In American sport you.have to be fat to play these sports or tall nothing something most people need to work for being tall is just your luck being fat is you and having peds and people around who encourage you to work out as well