At home workouts


Silver Belt
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
What kind of stuff do you do when you don't have any weights or anything available? I was bored and feeling out of shape, so I did a little circuit thing in my living room. I would do 10 pushups, 15 squats, and 15 leg lifts. I'd do this, then rest for like 30 seconds or a minute before doing it again. I did like 10 circuits of this.
Burpees, sprawl drills, clapping pushups, jumping squats, shadowboxing, etc.
Good circuit but add something for your pulling muscles.
For pulling exercises might invest in some resistance bands and/or medicine ball. Chinup bar for the doorway would work wonders too.

Wall squats are good.
I only workout at home. I do burpees, push-ups (various types), pull/chin-ups (not recently due to elbow pain), squats, lunges, ab work, and running when weather permits.
Buy yourself a good medicine ball and throw it around. You'll be suprised how good of a workout you can get from a medicine ball.
This is the workout I'm doing tonight at home
Tabata intervals 20sec work 10sec rest
8 intervals of pistols
8 of med ball pushups
8 of hollow rocks
8 of med ball cleans (20 lbs)

I just sliced open a basketball and filled it with shredded document, water, and drywall chemicals most people use sand.
I already do a fair amount of push-ups at home to work my chest, as well as sit-ups. I'm not sure how to work out my legs at home though. Anyone have good home excercise to help the legs gain mass?
This is the workout I'm doing tonight at home
Tabata intervals 20sec work 10sec rest
8 intervals of pistols
8 of med ball pushups
8 of hollow rocks
8 of med ball cleans (20 lbs)

I just sliced open a basketball and filled it with shredded document, water, and drywall chemicals most people use sand.

what are hollow rocks?
what are hollow rocks?

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Dammit, I don't like you anymore. Now I have to try those.:icon_neut
:icon_sad: same thing i was thinkin lol, SOB! lol now i got more stuff to doo..haha Thanks
the Bas Rutten workout is great for at home cardio, and uses little space.
I just got The Pit workout dvd and man its intense and you get a really good workout without really needing any equipment except a jump rope and a bag