Asking for a "break" while rolling


Blue Belt
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
So last night in class I was rolling with this guy for about 20 minutes or so. I was side-mounted or mounted the majority of the time, my submission defense is good enough to survive against white belts and some blue belts (I started training in January, bout 3 days a week) . Anyway, so after I finally get off my back into his guard he seems to turn off and says "hey wanna take a break" It kinda... well no not kinda, it flat out irritated me. IMO- When I roll during open mat there is no distance or time limits to keep in mind (unless you've got a family to get home to or prior obligations of course, which my sparring partner did not) Even if I'm flat out exhausted I want to go until a submission happens. It doesn't seem to bother me so much when Blue belts or a higher break off a roll cause it's taking to long or something, but this guy was my level, white belt.

Thanx for listening, or reading, or whatever the fuck you call it on the internet
honestly i think you are wrong here because you need to understand that rolling in training is not competition so if someone is tired or hurt or we else its not a big deal to stop you are not trying to beat the other guy you are trying to learn so if your training partner runs out of steam after a 20 min roll which is quite possible and wants to stop you should ... this reminds me of the new guys that get mad if they think they have you in a sub when the time runs out and try to finish it after everyone else stops
I always quit if I cramp up, pull a muscle, jam a finger bad, feel like I am going to puke. It is training, you shouldn't have to kill yourself. What is to stop you from taking a break and starting over in the same position?
dont worry about it, its just training. and guard is a pretty neutral position, so its not like he was trying to get out of "losing" by asking you to take a break.
Stop being so damn compettitive and thick headed. It's practice buddy, not every roll has to end in a submission. If the guy gets tired and wants a break there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, i hate rolling with people who think every single time they roll its some kind of contest...
I agree that it is just practice and if he wants to stop so be it. 20 min is a long time rolling.
What's wrong with taking a break? It's training. People take things waaaaaaay "too seriously" in training in the states it seems. Over here people are like friends in training. We hang out at the club after training. Chat about whatever. If someone has to take a break, that's no problem. If someone asks if you wouldn't mind not using submissions on the guys right arm or left leg or whatevs, no problem. You are there to help each other and it's all about respect on the mat. Let him take his break.
alexgncw said:
honestly i think you are wrong here because you need to understand that rolling in training is not competition so if someone is tired or hurt or we else its not a big deal to stop you are not trying to beat the other guy you are trying to learn so if your training partner runs out of steam after a 20 min roll which is quite possible and wants to stop you should ...

I thought is was good to keep going when tired, it forces technique due to lack of strength
You can't think straight to focus and use proper technique if you are tired though. Cardio has nothing to do with strength or technique to begin with.

If someone would prefer to sit out rathan risk passing out from exhaustion or puking, I don't see what's wrong.
Squabbin said:
Stop being so damn compettitive and thick headed. It's practice buddy, not every roll has to end in a submission. If the guy gets tired and wants a break there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, i hate rolling with people who think every single time they roll its some kind of contest...

I'm actually not that competitive and I'm certainly not thick headed (although I do have a big head which aides me in defending chokes and strangles), he asked me to roll, tried as hard as he could to submit me for 20 minutes and didn't. The incident frustrated me mostly because I rarely experience frustration in Jiu-Jitsu, and I admit it did frustrate me. You're right though, it is practice and not every roll has to end in a submission, thank you for your reply
Hamit Aktas said:
You are there to help each other and it's all about respect on the mat. Let him take his break.

I will remember that, thank you for your reply
Well, if the guy looked like he was going to puke, then I think I'd rather him take a break. At your level, he may very well have been on the verge. If it seemed like you were frustrating the shit out of him cuz he couldn't finish, and that's why he wanted a break, then take it as a compliment. I am very competetive in training, as are alot of the guys I train with, but we also realize some people are just there for exercise,and don't really want to push things past a certain point. Maybe it's time to step up a level and roll with someone better.
Jesse said:
No, he started when I did

This does not mean that he is in better shape than you are. you probably have better cardio even if you both started at the same time. This happens to me all the time.

The only times that I end up exhausted is when I am grappling with higher belts which means that I am scrambling to avoid their submissions. I end up exhausted and sore even if there isn't a submission. That can be where he is at. The difference is that I don't ask for a break although I wouldn't mind one in these situations.
a 20 minute roll is a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time. I'd ask for a break too. I'd ask for one after 10.
You could also agree to sometimes, such as if you ar preparing for a tournament, spar with no breaks allowed, but only for 5-10 mins or so (whatever the time limit in competition is for your belt level.)
No, to me the guy sounded like he was pussying out. I too, would be irritated if the same thing happened to me.

The only thing that would stop a roll other than time limit or submission, should be a painful muscle cramp, or an injury, or feeling seriously sick (like wanting to vomit). Even then, sometimes I will keep going.