Economy Army Cuts Off More Than 60K Unvax Guard and Reserve Soldiers from Pay and Benefits

We lived it dude. We saw it. Everyone i know who was vaxxed(including me) were infected pre omicron.

Guess what....most got infected again.

It's why we kept having massive spikes when people gathered....the vaccine was not stopping the spread.

We don’t make conclusions that way. It’s better to look at data. We can adjust for confounders and more accurately understand how the vaccine influences infection risk.

Edit. And to your Omicron statement, that’s because it actually takes some time for the relative risk to become non significant. Right after vaccination, you actually are (or were) at a lower risk for infection with Omicron BA.1. It simply waned away though.
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We lived it dude. We saw it. Everyone i know who was vaxxed(including me) were infected pre omicron.

Guess what....most got infected again.

It's why we kept having massive spikes when people gathered....the vaccine was not stopping the spread.

It's human nature to not want to admit one was wrong. But it's the sign of delusion to continue it when faced with absolute reality.

And another fun guys wouldn't even admit the vax didn't stop omicron for months and months. We were STILL being called CT nuts in the megathreads when we begged you trolls to just look at what was actually happening on the ground.

Dude has been delusional for two years, you can’t fix stupid…
Dude has been delusional for two years, you can’t fix stupid…

Let’s be honest. Before this pandemic, you hadn’t even heard the word coronavirus. Or any of the buzzwords you toss around now without understanding.
No. You were not. You were feeding on propaganda that was divorced from the reality that was happening in real time. MANY of us told you it did little to stop transmission and you mocked and insulted us.

Using your logic, there are no fuckups....there are simply miscalculations that can be easily reversed.

Let's take another one....Airlines.

We begged you guys to not support a vaccine mandate for we are.

You need to start thinking big picture and of the possible blowback to your knee-jerk political opinions

All of your post is opinion and you're entitled to it.
“ThE scIeNCe ChAnGEd!”



ThE scIeNCe ChAnGEd! From this^


To this^

R.I.P. Terrie Hall.

Terrie Hall - Wikipedia

Yeah.... You do you homie.
They made their bed, in violation of their oath, and now they will pay the price.

The readiness of the military would be completely compromised if anyone could just refuse a vaccine. When you are deployed, you are often given several needed for living in the third world. The notion that individuals could just opt out, would compromise entire units and the mission.

So sorry anti-vaxxers. Don't join the military if this is a problem for you. But once you do, suck it up and stop listening to shit tier youtube "doctors."
You argued for months that it DID stop transmission. Now all of a sudden you say it's not meant to.

Lol. You guys are priceless

Their bullshit changes depending on what the sheep need to hear at the time to maintain their power and control. It's amazing how many of them are still stupid enough to demand a mandate of a "vaccine" for a virus that is not deadly to young healthy adults, which is the target audience here.

Clown World.

"They're not mandated"

If you don't take them... you lose your job? Sounds mandated to me.

Most of these people not going with the vaccine already have natural immunity. They had CV-19. Why do they need a "vaccine" when the La Jolla and Cleveland studies both show they have better immunity that those with the "vaccine".
If you don't take them... you lose your job? Sounds mandated to me.

Most of these people not going with the vaccine already have natural immunity. They had CV-19. Why do they need a "vaccine" when the La Jolla and Cleveland studies both show they have better immunity that those with the "vaccine".
Zazen is being dishonest with us.. as well as himself
If you don't take them... you lose your job? Sounds mandated to me.

Most of these people not going with the vaccine already have natural immunity. They had CV-19. Why do they need a "vaccine" when the La Jolla and Cleveland studies both show they have better immunity that those with the "vaccine".
He’s quoting me from another thread. Just ignore that. Army always required certain vaccinations. He said there was a national mandate that forced people to vaccinate He lost the argument and called me out on an inrelayed issue