Arlovski's routine


Green Belt
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
From Flex MAgazine

Day 1-ARMS
Barbells Curls
Dumbell Curls
Dumbell Wrist Curls
Lying Tricep Extensions
Dumbell tricep extensions

Day 2-LEGS
Leg Presses

Day 3-Chest and Back
Flat bench press
Incline dumbell press
Dumbell pullovers
Dumbell flyes
Barbell rows

Day 4-Shoulders
Barbell presses
Dumbell Press
Side Lateral Raises

All are done in sets of 4, 10 reps each

Abs everyday
Thanks for posting that. Alwyas good to see how the pro's go about doing it.
I was wondering though, is it four days straight, or 2 on 1 off or what? Also, sis it have anything about his diet in there?

Thanks again.
Im sure there will be an "against the stickies!!!!!" on this one...

But sure its interesting. First of all it was written in Flex so first thing you have to wonder about is this his actuall routine..?;)
Wow thanks for posting that, i was just about to start a new routine, i'll get right on this one. It looks like everyone who appears in flex uses the basically the same routine, it must be a winner.

end sarcasm
Arlovski appears to be a frigging genetic beast. He could do alternating days of Pilates and Jazzercize, and he'd still be in there beating people's asses.
Except for Day 1 most are compound movements...all though it is stranget that he'd be doing all arms on day 1... as odd as this is Arlovski has been disturbingly enough going for a George Michael pretty boy look (Joe Rogans words paraphrased) maybe...I think Joe Piscipo had the same routine when he was on the cover of Flex and his career ended swiftly after...
threelions said:
I'd take that with a large pinch of salt.

Are you kidding me? That cannot be right. Why is a MMA fighter doing a bodybuiding routine? I cannot stand that stuff. Train they way your suppose to. Coming from FLEX, then I am sure they played around with it to make themselves look good.
He talked about his routine in an issue of Grappling a few months back. In it he mentions that his main reason for weight lifting is to look good, hence, a bodybuilder routine.
wasptrash said:
He talked about his routine in an issue of Grappling a few months back. In it he mentions that his main reason for weight lifting is to look good, hence, a bodybuilder routine.

I have that issue! He said something about how it is for him to look good in the ring so its "beneficial".

Arlovski is the man.
I bought that issue to read on a plane trip. That was a pretty good interview and overall issue, but I thought that damn cover was pretty gay. I was kind of embarrassed for others to see it as I was reading. Ken Shamrock trying too hard to look really mean. Looked like a WWE magazine cover or something. I'm sorry, but if you're putting out a magazine with a major interview with a badass like Arlovski, you put him on the fucking cover.
major interview with a badass like Arlovski, you put him on the fucking cover.
Good Point!!
wasptrash said:
I bought that issue to read on a plane trip. That was a pretty good interview and overall issue, but I thought that damn cover was pretty gay. I was kind of embarrassed for others to see it as I was reading. Ken Shamrock trying too hard to look really mean. Looked like a WWE magazine cover or something. I'm sorry, but if you're putting out a magazine with a major interview with a badass like Arlovski, you put him on the fucking cover.

Sooo damn true!

they should have them fight to see who gets the cover. i'll take arlovski by 2 minute death sentence. that being said, i highly doubt this is aa's routine. i have read him talk about clubbells before, and i don't see that mentioned.
Flex = BS. I saw that on the newstand and glanced at his "routine"...4x10 of every exercise, seems unlikely to me. Flex has one purpose, promote bodybuilding and sell magazines. Arlovski is a genetic freak and training animal...I'm pretty sure he didn't get where he is by doing BB'ing routines and training with Milos. Although, he *may* get some supplements from the same source. :wink:
flex is complete garbage. there is no way that arlovski uses that routine. any fighter with half a brain in their head is not going to devote an entire day of weight training to arms alone. i'm not saying that strong arms are not important but they aren't built by doing single joint isolation movements. and you mean to tell me that arlovski, as explosive as he is, does no olympic lifts. no snatch no cleans. yah right. how do you think you build explosion. if you think those routines they put in there are real....start flippin back through old editions and look at how many of the routines look exactly the same. can you say cookie cutter?
the routine's bullshit.

anyone who believes it reads too many mags.

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