Are you a jerk on the road?


Black Belt
Jul 28, 2009
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Are you an asshole on the road, or are you passive and just wait your turn/follow all traffic rules/let other people pass you? Are you one of those passive aggressive people that won't let another car take your spot while you wait on a long line to get on a highway/bridge/exit etc?

On a scale of 1 to 10 where a 10 is a complete asshole and 1 is a doormat I'm probably an 8. I don't run red lights or anything like that but the speed limit is a joke to me and I never wait on long lines. I mean, it takes me up to an hour to get home sometimes, and I only have 3-4 hours tops to get undressed, have dinner, browse sherdog, and listen to my gf, so every second is precious.

I mean, if for instance, there is a long line to take an exit to go over a bridge, and you get on the back of the line while there are 3 lanes open next to the line, you're either not in a rush or you're just used to life shitting on you. Either way, you can't get mad if I take the lane next to you and I sneak in at the very beginning of the line. Don't worry, I'm really slick about it-- I don't wedge myself in inch by inch, I will find an opening while the line is moving and slide right in. By the time I'm in front of you you have only just begun to realize I stole your spot.

The passive aggressive drivers are hilarious to me. They'll see what I am trying to do but will do everything in their power to block me from getting ahead of them in the line. Fair enough-- I just get ahead of the car in front of yours, cuz the're's a strong chance he/she is a passive driver and hasn't realized yet that waiting on line is a waste of time. So in the end, I took your spot anyway.

inb4 "you're an asshole, you should get your license taken away":icon_twis
You sphincter
I drive like a decent human being.

The only thing that really grinds my gears is when someone is riding my ass. So fucking pointless, and puts the both of us in danger. Plus if I need to stomp on my brakes for whatever reason, I'm almost guaranteed to get rear ended because of it.
If someone intentionally switches lanes to cut in line I simply stay in line, and wont let them in. If there is construction and they got stuck in a lane that's closing I will.

I've driven across Canada twice in the past two years and the hugest assholes are transports.

I speed as well, usually 20kmh over the limit on average and never ride on peoples asses if they're going slow. I will wait and pass.
Are you an asshole on the road, or are you passive and just wait your turn/follow all traffic rules/let other people pass you? Are you one of those passive aggressive people that won't let another car take your spot while you wait on a long line to get on a highway/bridge/exit etc?

On a scale of 1 to 10 where a 10 is a complete asshole and 1 is a doormat I'm probably an 8. I don't run red lights or anything like that but the speed limit is a joke to me and I never wait on long lines. I mean, it takes me up to an hour to get home sometimes, and I only have 3-4 hours tops to get undressed, have dinner, browse sherdog, and listen to my gf, so every second is precious.

I mean, if for instance, there is a long line to take an exit to go over a bridge, and you get on the back of the line while there are 3 lanes open next to the line, you're either not in a rush or you're just used to life shitting on you. Either way, you can't get mad if I take the lane next to you and I sneak in at the very beginning of the line. Don't worry, I'm really slick about it-- I don't wedge myself in inch by inch, I will find an opening while the line is moving and slide right in. By the time I'm in front of you you have only just begun to realize I stole your spot.

The passive aggressive drivers are hilarious to me. They'll see what I am trying to do but will do everything in their power to block me from getting ahead of them in the line. Fair enough-- I just get ahead of the car in front of yours, cuz the're's a strong chance he/she is a passive driver and hasn't realized yet that waiting on line is a waste of time. So in the end, I took your spot anyway.

inb4 "you're an asshole, you should get your license taken away":icon_twis

I don't run the speed limit most of the time (except a school zone) and have been known to push a yellow light.

People that like to cut in and not wait are the reason I had an old beater car to drive to work. It was a great way to pass the drive time to see the look on someone's face when they realized I was not going to let them in and was going to hit them in the side of their car so no matter what it would be their fault.

On the bike I (like many bikers) carry marbles (or ball bearing or some other things like spark plug ceramic) in my vest pocket so if you fuck with me I can get ahead of you and in front of you then throw them up high over my shoulder, it does a job on the windshield. Then also most times I'm on the bike I'm caring so if they want to push it that far.

So I guess depending on the situation I'm a 5 up to a 11 or 12.
I'm a very mellow easy going driver. In traffic I stay in one lane, when its flowing I'm in the fast lane and I use all of my signals and try to cause the least amount of problems as possible.

That being said, since I let people merge and not block them out, I often find myself behind semi-trucks.
I don't run the speed limit most of the time (except a school zone) and have been known to push a yellow light.

People that like to cut in and not wait are the reason I had an old beater car to drive to work. It was a great way to pass the drive time to see the look on someone's face when they realized I was not going to let them in and was going to hit them in the side of their car so no matter what it would be their fault.

On the bike I (like many bikers) carry marbles (or ball bearing or some other things like spark plug ceramic) in my vest pocket so if you fuck with me I can get ahead of you and in front of you then throw them up high over my shoulder, it does a job on the windshield. Then also most times I'm on the bike I'm caring so if they want to push it that far.

So I guess depending on the situation I'm a 5 up to a 11 or 12.

You seem like a complete fucking retard. Nice job putting others at risk because you're upset with one driver asshole.
On the bike I (like many bikers) carry marbles (or ball bearing or some other things like spark plug ceramic) in my vest pocket so if you fuck with me I can get ahead of you and in front of you then throw them up high over my shoulder, it does a job on the windshield. Then also most times I'm on the bike I'm caring so if they want to push it that far.


Thats just asking for it. I swear, people on motorcycles act as though they are invincible.

What do you consider people "fucking" with you? Getting annoyed when you tailgate them?
Thats just asking for it. I swear, people on motorcycles act as though they are invincible.

What do you consider people "fucking" with you? Getting annoyed when you tailgate them?

NO I don't tailgate anyone bike or car.

Asking for it is tailgating me or pulling into me on purpose.

I leave people alone on the road and expect them to do the same for me.

I have had people (more then once, or twice, in fact often) pull into my lane forcing me to the edge while on my bike. If I can see they didn't mean it then I let it go. How they missed me being there I have no idea since I ride a nice size HD with performance pipe and never ride in a blind spot.

If you pissed me off you had to be trying to.
Are you an asshole on the road, or are you passive and just wait your turn/follow all traffic rules/let other people pass you? Are you one of those passive aggressive people that won't let another car take your spot while you wait on a long line to get on a highway/bridge/exit etc?

On a scale of 1 to 10 where a 10 is a complete asshole and 1 is a doormat I'm probably an 8. I don't run red lights or anything like that but the speed limit is a joke to me and I never wait on long lines. I mean, it takes me up to an hour to get home sometimes, and I only have 3-4 hours tops to get undressed, have dinner, browse sherdog, and listen to my gf, so every second is precious.

I mean, if for instance, there is a long line to take an exit to go over a bridge, and you get on the back of the line while there are 3 lanes open next to the line, you're either not in a rush or you're just used to life shitting on you. Either way, you can't get mad if I take the lane next to you and I sneak in at the very beginning of the line. Don't worry, I'm really slick about it-- I don't wedge myself in inch by inch, I will find an opening while the line is moving and slide right in. By the time I'm in front of you you have only just begun to realize I stole your spot.

The passive aggressive drivers are hilarious to me. They'll see what I am trying to do but will do everything in their power to block me from getting ahead of them in the line. Fair enough-- I just get ahead of the car in front of yours, cuz the're's a strong chance he/she is a passive driver and hasn't realized yet that waiting on line is a waste of time. So in the end, I took your spot anyway.

inb4 "you're an asshole, you should get your license taken away":icon_twis

I'm a fairly courteous driver. I'll move to the left lane to let someone turn in from a side street. If someone is coming up fast on me, I'll get into another lane, if possible, to let them pass. I like to have someone going faster ahead of me to find the speed traps. There is no better feeling than seeing the aggressive driver that forced his way through stopped by the police a few miles ahead.

If I can't move over because of traffic and someone starts following too close, I start slowing down. If they get closer, I go slower. There are some places where the majority of traffic will be taking the exit and you will find idiots who will pull out and try to pass a couple more cars before the exit. I like to match speeds and keep them alongside because I'm not turning off. They wouldn't have gained anything by passing me.

Drivers like you just stress yourself out.
NO I don't tailgate anyone bike or car.

Asking for it is tailgating me or pulling into me on purpose.

I leave people alone on the road and expect them to do the same for me.

I have had people (more then once, or twice, in fact often) pull into my lane forcing me to the edge while on my bike. If I can see they didn't mean it then I let it go. How they missed me being there I have no idea since I ride a nice size HD with performance pipe and never ride in a blind spot.

If you pissed me off you had to be trying to.

I personally have always had poor experiences with people on motorcycles. There are a lot of people who think they are superman once they get on two wheels.

For example, one time I was coming up over a blind hill and just as I crest the hill, this guy comes coasting through the intersection, doesn't stop, just sort of coasts out there in front of me. Doesn't seem to be accelerating so as I come into a passing lane, I give it some gas to get around him and of course just as I get out there in the passing lane- "BAWWWWWWW!!!!!!" he gooses it. So I say fuck it, floor it and pass him anyway. About a mile later we come to a stop sign and the guy pulls up next to me and starts doing hulk hogan felx poses at me. No kidding. I can see his mouth moving so I open the window and say "whats the problem" and he waves his hands towards himself with the classic "come at me" gesture. I just laughed and gave hm the finger as I pulled away, sort of hoping he'd follow me. I was pretty close to home and if he'd followed me to my driveway, I would have let the dogs out on him and taken a bat to his face.

In my experience, guys on bikes are generally super aggressive and intentionally annoying.
NO I don't tailgate anyone bike or car.

Asking for it is tailgating me or pulling into me on purpose.

I leave people alone on the road and expect them to do the same for me.

I have had people (more then once, or twice, in fact often) pull into my lane forcing me to the edge while on my bike. If I can see they didn't mean it then I let it go. How they missed me being there I have no idea since I ride a nice size HD with performance pipe and never ride in a blind spot.

If you pissed me off you had to be trying to.

So you assume the upset driver is in fact trying to end your life so you throw solid objects at his windows going 60mph+? Yea, still a completely ridiculous and unsound way of handling the situation.
Probably about a 7... I'm not really an a-hole, but I do a lot of passing when people hold me up... I also don't let people over IF it is clear well in advance that their lane ends, yet they pass an entire line of cars and then try to cut over at the last minute.
I personally have always had poor experiences with people on motorcycles. There are a lot of people who think they are superman once they get on two wheels.

For example, one time I was coming up over a blind hill and just as I crest the hill, this guy comes coasting through the intersection, doesn't stop, just sort of coasts out there in front of me. Doesn't seem to be accelerating so as I come into a passing lane, I give it some gas to get around him and of course just as I get out there in the passing lane- "BAWWWWWWW!!!!!!" he gooses it. So I say fuck it, floor it and pass him anyway. About a mile later we come to a stop sign and the guy pulls up next to me and starts doing hulk hogan felx poses at me. No kidding. I can see his mouth moving so I open the window and say "whats the problem" and he waves his hands towards himself with the classic "come at me" gesture. I just laughed and gave hm the finger as I pulled away, sort of hoping he'd follow me. I was pretty close to home and if he'd followed me to my driveway, I would have let the dogs out on him and taken a bat to his face.

In my experience, guys on bikes are generally super aggressive and intentionally annoying.

Well you might have had a bad experience with a biker and that can happen.

Like I said I don't fuck with people on the road it's not worth the effort but I don't expect to be fucked with also.

So you assume the upset driver is in fact trying to end your life so you throw solid objects at his windows going 60mph+? Yea, still a completely ridiculous and unsound way of handling the situation.

I don't assume anything it is very easy to tell if someone is pulling into you and know you are there just because they are in a cage (car) and think they can do it.

If someone looks directly at me riding next to them beside their door and pulls into my lane they are coming after me with a deadly weapon and it pisses me off (as it should).

If I don't believe they saw or heard me (I ride an HD with performance pipes) and pull over them I chalk it up to ridding a bike and shit happens. I try and get out of the way and just give a look of watch where you are going.

If they wave or act like they are sorry then I wave it off and we go on our way.

If they become ass holes about it I might flip them off and we go on our way.

If however I know you are using your car as a weapon and a way to try an intimidate me then we can go to the next level.

I've been riding for over 40 years and I don't get pissed off at stupid shit people do as its just part of riding and most of the time it scares the shit out of them and I have the experience to get out of the way. It's all go if they realize they came close to hitting me and are sorry, maybe they will watch better next time and everyone makes mistakes.
I don't assume anything it is very easy to tell if someone is pulling into you and know you are there just because they are in a cage (car) and think they can do it.

If someone looks directly at me riding next to them beside their door and pulls into my lane they are coming after me with a deadly weapon and it pisses me off (as it should).

If I don't believe they saw or heard me (I ride an HD with performance pipes) and pull over them I chalk it up to ridding a bike and shit happens. I try and get out of the way and just give a look of watch where you are going.

If they wave or act like they are sorry then I wave it off and we go on our way.

If they become ass holes about it I might flip them off and we go on our way.

If however I know you are using your car as a weapon and a way to try an intimidate me then we can go to the next level.

I've been riding for over 40 years and I don't get pissed off at stupid shit people do as its just part of riding and most of the time it scares the shit out of them and I have the experience to get out of the way. It's all go if they realize they came close to hitting me and are sorry, maybe they will watch better next time and everyone makes mistakes.

I'm sure we have all been upset from someone on the road so much so that at that moment we would gladly follow them home and confront them for being assholes. Being a passive driver, I see it all the time. But the fact you're always carrying weapons on you just solidifies that you are very willing to use them or you wouldn't have them. Ifs honestly compareable to a car driver shooting out the tires of someone else's car going 65+. Sure the asshole running you off the road is putting others in danger and our natural reaction is to return the aggression, but the freeway isn't really the best place to fight fire with fire.
Hey TS,
