Are you a homeowner? Do you wish to be?

what i would say, is if you don't earn enough that's okay. it's not a problem to rent. if i were you, the most important thing would be to cut down on things you don't need. trust me, from someone who abused alcohol, if you remove the booze and drugs, you won't only feel better, you'll have more money.

quick tangent here: trump is going to lose the election, but he said something profound that i watched a few weeks back regarding alcohol. you may already know, but he lost a brother to alcoholism. anyway, he said something that many can't grasp, which is, "once you stop drinking, you no longer want to". it's the same with anything else. find a way to not do that stuff for a few weeks, go through the withdrawals which will be tough, but if you can do this, you'll be well on your way.

don't allow your lack of money to represent who you are. it doesn't.
I quit before when it was bad like this, but I had a life back then. It's very very hard to work the long grueling hours and then come home and sit in my tiny apartment alone.

Well it's hard to do it sober lmao. But I know If I don't get it together I will be trapped here and relatively soon things will somehow get even worse.

I've been around a lot of alcoholics and whatnot. Not really where I want to be.
Own an apartment and currently building a house.

Build will be done by Christmas and ill be moving in. Rent for the apartment will cover most repayments and ill sell the apartment in a few years for over a mil then ill be debt free with a few hundred k in the pocket.
Too people who think it's out of reach, stop looking at regular houses.

You need to start with a condo or a mobile home, or some old crappy looking house.
Bought my apartment almost one year ago, feels good be out of renting scam
Almost debt free, no banks, just have to return mother of my woman some extra money she gave to help us buy

Next step beside pay back mother-in-law is probably save money to restore my savings above decent amount, then would like buy apartment on some nice alps town for both renting and stay there when i want escape city for some time
Everyone needs to own a house, for the simple reason of having ties to you community, something to put your soul into, something you can give to your children, a renters mindset is not of pride, but disposable living quarters without a care in the world, strangers in the community that don’t have skin in the game. Not trying to put anyone down, i wish there wasn’t so much bs with the housing situation, and that everyone has access to buy their own with affordable pricing.

China has 90% home ownership with 80% that own outright. That country has far more people and can make it happen, but the great western countries can’t? That’s some bs

I disagree. I don't think everyone needs to own a home. The maintenance that needs to be done on a home can be massive and if you are not good with money homeownership can be a bad deal or if you are one of those people that always want to fix things on your own but are bad at it the house can become a disaster.

I have a friend and she is going through a divorce so she is leaving her home. We had to help clean because the house was like a hoarder. There were roaches everywhere, the faucet spout for the bathtub was literally separated from the wall and there was trash everywhere. So much so two dumpsters were needed.
Yes, I own a 2-story home, paid off in San Francisco. It’s not much, but it’s honest work.
I bought a Condo in 2023. Without it, my potential of getting a house is basically 0 given the insane housing prices in Canada. I'll be able to parlay this thing into a house eventually.
Bought first chance I got. Was able to buy a starter home at 27 and every now and then I think about selling and having a bigger nicer house but don't want a mortgage.
I own a three bedroom house in San Diego that I bought four years ago. It's already gone up $225k in value and that's conservative.

Not sure id bother selling to buy another overpriced house though. I probably couldn't afford to buy my current house today at current value and interest rates. Anything nicer than what I have would be over a million dollars
timing is everything, I got in on the bottom, now I'm like crypto, 3x <lmao>

home prices are stupid in my area, local realtor dropped off a flyer showing ranges from a 900sq ft that SOLD for 900 to a 1700 sq ft that SOLD for 1.7M... if I could sell at that top rate, I could clear over 1M in profits lmao....... just not that ambitious to make the money.
undefeated till first rain
Nah, it just has an outdoor shower that's inside.

What region are you in? We have an apartment in Valenza and dealing with the building when it comes to repairs can be a pain sometimes.
Bought first chance I got. Was able to buy a starter home at 27 and every now and then I think about selling and having a bigger nicer house but don't want a mortgage.
been mortgage free for near a decade, it's a great feeling, and it's a financial boon being able to invest those funds instead making additional interest payments.... of course, this is only possible because of the low income to home value ratio at the time..... shit is gone now and not looking good in the future.
Ain't much but it's mine

There are homes like this for sale in Honolulu, HI all the time since the 80's. You’re just buying the land and having to deal with clean-up/demo of an unlivable home. This one for example trying to sell for $720k and saying you can dispose/remove for $80k on a 5000 sq ft lot, lmao. I don't even think the location is all that great either. Decent area, but nothing special.
