Are we abolishing the very concept of biological sex in Canada?

...a "social construct"?
An evolutionary construct.
I understand a group that's been socially ostracized and ignored, a minority who want a voice and some kind of acceptance.

But let's not get goofy.
Sure, test tube people will become more common, but it's not threatened. Too many fertile sluts who love to fuck. Too many men looking to wet the wick.

Biological reproduction will always be the preferred method.
Sorry, dominant paradigm or whatever

No offense, but the level communist, government meddling will go once in control is limitless. Forced sterilization, abortion, incubation and anything else isn't off the table. Remember, Marx' initial agreement with Proudhon's work that property was theft, only to realize later the typical self-evident contradictions therein. That said, again ironically, the state sees the offspring of the people as it's own and it will meddle and do with what the elites in control think is best.

Further, make no mistake, test-tube reproduction as the norm is not far off at all. Already euthenasia is occurring in places and the hypocratic oath being removed from medical educations.

As sangreporsangre said, leftist culture, politics and academia is skiing down a ski-slope of radical ideas and change with no care about mass opinion.
Maybe "peoplekind" wasn't a joke after all. A couple of recent stories from our state broadcaster have really jumped out at me, and I'm wondering where exactly this is all heading. First off, Service Canada will not be using the word father or mother anymore to describe fathers or mothers.

Service Canada's gender neutral directive is 'confusing' and 'will be corrected' says minister

Front-line workers asked to use gender-neutral term 'parent' instead of mother or father

The not using Mr and Mrs is whatever I guess.....but father and mother are now forbidden words? Wtf? Reminds me of how Newspeak was constantly being revised to remove words. And yes, it's important for the government to pay for these re-education sessions isn't it. I know that I've had the training seminars at my work.

But this was even more bizarre. A softball coach from Edmonton raised a stink and now all softball leagues for girls in Canada have to accept boys:

Softball coach calls out league policy on transgender players, sparks national response
'It was pretty intrusive, especially when we're talking about kids who are under the age 18'

She has multiple friends who are MtF trannies in some random neighbourhood in Edmonton? Maybe this is something we should talk about. Isn't it a cause for concern that more and more kids are feeling that they were "born in the wrong body"? Note that comment he made about other sports.

So C-16 is having an effect. Not sure how this makes any sense: leagues like this (not to mention changerooms, bathrooms, women's shelters etc) are segregated by sex, not "gender identity".

Hmm a diversity consultant.....I guess "she" gets makes a living doing those aforementioned re-education seminars eh.

It's very interesting that CBC, with all their taxpayer-funded resources, couldn't find a single person to reflect another side of the story. Not a single girl, parent or coach who doesn't agree with the new policy. CBC seems to just promote and wave pom-poms for this kind of stuff, and actually refused to show that documentary showing another side to the "trans kids" phenomenon.

Ok so softball isn't the biggest deal in the world, but what about hockey and other physical sports? What about girls who can't make teams because their spot is taken by a guy who "identifies" as a female? I don't think the average Canadian really grasps how radial C-16 was. It pretty much re-wrote human existence. It seems like biological sex is now subordinate to "gender identity", an ill-defined, pseudo-religious, unverifiable concept.

It really seems that our country has taken on gender theory as a state religion. The "just a few kids on a campus" are now dictating policy. How far do you guys see this going? Do you guys think this is a big deal or no? Does anyone agree that the terms mother and father are problematic, or that males should be able to play in female leagues? This is quite a Brave New World that our government seems to be leading us into - was the last federal election a referendum on allowing postmodern gender theory/"queer theory" to become our state religion?

Let's just completely ignore science. It is mean. I am an orange creamsickle...suck my sweet sweet goodness...ladies only.
Though I don't agree with all of the assertions of the lengthy documentary, Europa The Last Battle, there is much in it everyone needs to see. The full series is ten parts and about 15 hours. There is something for everyone (no matter what religion, political leaning or other interest), and though, as said, I don't agree with everything as presented, IMO it is a must see for it's detailed, sourced alternate perspective on the last 150 years or so of world history.

I time-stamped The Bulshevik Revolution (Russian Revolution) followed by the Red Terror and then Gulag, or essentially the start and then progression of Communism in Russia - aimed at destroying Christian Russia (warning: graphic content).

Also, to be clear, I'm not an anti-Semite (as many of you must have seen my arguing for an Israeli state); but I could be wrong on several aspects I've argued for and against in the past too. Further, the tactics of communism are being utilized presently by other major world players of the last half century or more (as I see it) - including The Nation of Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood (subversion, demoralization, controlling the media's narrative, demonization of the white European etc) IMO, and it's more than likely that same bank-funded deep state, neck deep in middle east warring for many decades.

Some notable quotes by Bulshevik communists:

Leon Trotsky in 1917: "“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence.”

Leon Trotsky:

"You are starving? This not famine yet, when your women start eating their children then you may come and say we are starving."

Vladimir Lenin:

"Three quarters of mankind may die if necessary, to ensure the other quarter for Communism."

"We must hate. Hatred is the basis of communism. Children must be taught to hate their parents if they are not communist!"

Grigory Zinoviev (Hirsch Apfelbaum), head of the Communist International, wrote in Sept. 1918:

"We will make our hearts cruel, hard and immovable, so that no mercy will enter them, and so that they will not quiver at the sight of a sea of enemy blood. We will let loose the floodgates of that sea. Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands; let them drown themselves in their own blood! . . . Let there be floods of blood of the bourgeios - more blood! As much as possible."
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What's interesting to me is that I have yet to meet a fellow Canadian that agrees even slightly with the radical left's position about gender and general identity. Canadian culture is such that we keep to ourselves and mind our business, which may come off as tacit approval of this derranged ideology, but realistically, nobody agrees. In fact, I'm willing to wager that more people are unaware of these things than actually agree. Hell, the one trans person I know doesn't agree.
Two of my cousins are well into the koolaid. The one (female sex) is "out" as non-binary.
Seems like our government is taking it extremely seriously. How far are they gonna take this?

He said except the mentally ill.

Our government would fit in that category.

Two of my cousins are well into the koolaid. The one (female sex) is "out" as non-binary.

I personally know 4 young women who became "they/them" in the last year. All in their early 20s and either went or are currently going to U of T or Ryerson. And a bunch of girls in my son's high school became either he or they in the last couple years. The whole thing is crazy.
There is a global push for this crap and only the bitch countries give in...
That term confuses me - if you aren't male or female then what are you?
It's inherently confusing because gender, by definition, is fluid. Virtually everyone has a non-binary gender depending on how you define it.
I know.

With their universal healthcare and top ten rankings in quality of life, education, and happiness.

What losers!

Quality of life: #1

Best countries to live in #2

Happiest countries #7

Education #3

What the rest of the world REALLY needs to be doing, clearly, is spend more time worrying about the inclusive language in Canadian public documents.

Clearly it's killing them.

Just like the lack of standardized testing is really sinking Finland's education system.

I can only assume you are referring to the fact the that, in 2018, the United States still has 40M+ people without healthcare, and I agree completely.
I'd rather be sick in America
I'd rather be sick in America
And that’s why this country is rapidly marching towards being a fully blown indentured servant shithole.

Why should they give us anything when we are all happy whacking off to some mythic story about how America is just the bestestest country in the whole wide world?
And that’s why this country is rapidly marching towards being a fully blown indentured servant shithole.

Why should they give us anything when we are all happy whacking off to some mythic story about how America is just the bestestest country in the whole wide world?
Oh, so you like ignore the rest of the thread?
And that’s why this country is rapidly marching towards being a fully blown indentured servant shithole.

Why should they give us anything when we are all happy whacking off to some mythic story about how America is just the bestestest country in the whole wide world?

America has the most freedom. That Second Amendment is a great example. If America falls then Canada will follow and like others have mentioned, try to be first off that cliff.