Are Some Fighters Born With K.O Power?


Brown Belt
Dec 13, 2009
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I have been following MMA for most of my life and i have always wondered this.
Fighters like JDS, Guillard,Rampage, and Liddel have been knocking people out ever since they started fighting while fighters like JBJ, Forrest, Edgar and gsp have tko wins, but do not have any one punch ko's or have actually put people to sleep with just one or two punches.
So my question is this: Is one punch KO power somthing you are born with? Or is it something that you can work at and gain over time?
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I heard Rampage was knocking fools out before he could even walk.
Some humans are born with the ability to utilize more fast twitch muscle fibers than others. This can equate to extraordinary abilities like throwing a baseball, football, a spear,....or knocking someone out.
Nope. Genes and natural potential play no role in MMA.
Heavy handed - fact or fiction?
Nope. Genes and natural potential play no role in MMA.

Then Why don't fighters work on power punching? Gsp for instance, he has the skill and technique to land punches on any fighter, but he can't KO them. And JDS can land a punch that is semi blocked but still manage to put people out.
I don't even know if it has to do with fast twitch muscles...

is anyone really going to try to argue gsp isn't loaded with them?
Your genes play a big part in your power. You can work on it, but some people have it, and some people do not.
Mike Tyson was knockin out old ladies when he was 14
I think it's all about technique, timing, and accuracy more than it is about power. Also, it helps if the guy doesn't see the strike coming. That's why set-ups are important. Very few people are like Hendo or Big Country...and even then, I believe their technique/timing/accuracy are often overlooked due to everyone believing in something as simple as "punching power".
If infants were born with KO power, there would be a lot of bruised uteruses out there.
Some people are naturally born with better genes for certain things, but anyone can train and have "potential" KO power.

Timing, technique, speed and also things like your opponents chin and neck muscles have a lot to do with KO's.

It's not that simple.
Some humans are born with the ability to utilize more fast twitch muscle fibers than others. This can equate to extraordinary abilities like throwing a baseball, football, a spear,....or knocking someone out.

It's not all about fast twitch muscle fibres, loads of genetic factors lead to a power puncher and in the history of boxing most heavy hitters with the exception of Pacquiao aren't particularly quick.
Doubt it, no newborn is knocking me out. That's fo' sho'.