Yeah except QC will never be as cost effective or portable as classic computing, meaning you're making a laughable proclamation once again. Like I said, you are failing to grasp that QC and CC are fundamentally different industries and technologies. It's like comparing e-bikes to jumbo jets. Yeah, some overlap, but mostly different use cases and target markets.
What makes you say that? I'm not a luddite, my stances are shaded by the fact that I work adjacent to the industries you are so excited yet uninformed about. Hence it's hard to miss the huge gaps between what you are selling and what those providers are actually seeing and experiencing internally.
Notice how all of those advancements had massive consumer audiences forecasted from the start? For an entrepreneur in residence you sure are terrible at understanding nuance and forecasting markets since enterprise is a completely different beast from consumer.
It's quite funny that you think my worldview is anti-technology, because in your mind all you can understand is band wagoning or not. Like I mentioned last time, I'm sure I'll meet dozens of ill informed sales folks at CES spouting the same drivel as you. And if I'm lucky I'll get someone pitching me AI and QC in the same sentence.