Are quantum computers all hype?

To play devils advocate, I don't see any reason why at some point QC couldn't be similar to AI in that you just turn it into a cloud service so the heavy lifting isn't happening on your personal device. It would be happening in some multi-billion dollar installation somewhere.

In that case, you could in effect leverage QC on a potato.
That would be AWS ;)

Quite profitable for Amazon, and due to the limited scope of quantum computing, is there a case that it’ll be profitable?

It feels like the crypto power it has is like creating a virus and the cure in advance when nobody asked for. Handling large datasets, is that really an issue we have currently?

From what i understand, qc is a hell if an cryptographic cracker in test benches, except in productions, throttles would kill it.
Qc can ripple through data dramatically faster, unorganized data, yet productions are tightly organized.

Maybe it can help solve flying cars, pocket fusion generators, predict the weather properly 🙂
it is all hype because from me typing this htey have never calculated anything with out help of conventional computer
the answer to that question leads to more questions about research, technology, and innovation in our current time. I found this pretty interesting.
it is all hype because from me typing this htey have never calculated anything with out help of conventional computer
So are all major advancements 'all hype'?

The current automobiles are all built on advancements from the first automobiles, so are those advancements just 'hype'?

The current PC and SMart phones are advancements from the first analogue computers. So are those advancements just hype?

Internet, Cell phone, etc, etc...

We see all these technologies now able to do things only theorized prior and with many naysayers not believing the advancements would ever be achieved. The idea of a PC or cell phone in every ones home, was not popular when first theorized. Smart phones were widely not even considered a thing capable of doing back in the beginnings of the cell phone (dumb phone) era when it was mainly only remote business people carrying cell phones for business, that were huge.

So define what you mean by hype when these 'advancements' are discussed here?