Elections AOC completely unhinged entrance at Bronx rally

you getting triggered about my comment is hilarious since you're obviously butthurt about it. lmao. funny since that's like 90% of your posts here - quips mocking people. dish it but can't take it, eh?
Your comment triggered me into a murderous rage to the degree where the only safe outlet was taking a nap. Now that I have slept I feel much better.
Dems held a rally in the Bronx for Jamal Bowman with AOC as an invited speaker. Her "entrance" was blasting some rap music to come running out like the goddamn Cocaine Bear and jump around on stage pumping her fist, then start flailing her arms around like an insane person and screaming about "fighting" and asking "who's ready to take this state back", "who's ready to take this country back", then ran down a list of donor groups to ask "who's in the building" at an outdoor rally that didn't have any building. It was unclear who she wants to "fight", or who she wants to "take back the borough, the state and the country" from, since Jamal Bowman is the incumbent, and the governor and president are also democrats.

Then you can see a picture of the audience and find out the crowd was small enough to know everybody by name, and the rally could have been held in a minivan. People are saying we might need to start regularly drug testing politicians for showing up high as a kite in public.


Lmao when they tried to say Trump's rhetoric was encouraging political violence lmao.
"But what about..."

Edit: Nailed it, Shertifa posters just can't help themselves. <lmao>
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Dems held a rally in the Bronx for Jamal Bowman with AOC as an invited speaker. Her "entrance" was blasting some rap music to come running out like the goddamn Cocaine Bear and jump around on stage pumping her fist, then start flailing her arms around like an insane person and screaming about "fighting" and asking "who's ready to take this state back", "who's ready to take this country back", then ran down a list of donor groups to ask "who's in the building" at an outdoor rally that didn't have any building. It was unclear who she wants to "fight", or who she wants to "take back the borough, the state and the country" from, since Jamal Bowman is the incumbent, and the governor and president are also democrats.

Then you can see a picture of the audience and find out the crowd was small enough to know everybody by name, and the rally could have been held in a minivan. People are saying we might need to start regularly drug testing politicians for showing up high as a kite in public.


You get outraged about this but don't give two shits about Trumps incoherent alzheimers rambling, his deranged public statements that he is going to destroy the government and imprison his opponents, his 34 felony convictions, or his rape convictions?

No one takes you seriously dude.
I saw that AOC managed only to gather 200 at the rally.
Not many.
Dems held a rally in the Bronx for Jamal Bowman with AOC as an invited speaker. Her "entrance" was blasting some rap music to come running out like the goddamn Cocaine Bear and jump around on stage pumping her fist, then start flailing her arms around like an insane person and screaming about "fighting" and asking "who's ready to take this state back", "who's ready to take this country back", then ran down a list of donor groups to ask "who's in the building" at an outdoor rally that didn't have any building. It was unclear who she wants to "fight", or who she wants to "take back the borough, the state and the country" from, since Jamal Bowman is the incumbent, and the governor and president are also democrats.

Then you can see a picture of the audience and find out the crowd was small enough to know everybody by name, and the rally could have been held in a minivan. People are saying we might need to start regularly drug testing politicians for showing up high as a kite in public.


The bigger story is that Jose Vega was not allowed to attend