Elections AOC completely unhinged entrance at Bronx rally

LOL! OP reads like an middle-schooler attempting to ape Ignatius J. Reilly's writing style. At least put some effort into it.

My biggest problem with that is if you are going to talk shit about peoples taste in music than you need to offer up your own for what people should be listening to and also expose if you have the taste to even have a leg to stand on in that conversation.

I don't care about anything said here but that missing detail so I can judge the shit out of this asshole.
Nothing all that serious, but it reminds me of the corporate dorks at some convention who try to pump up the audience with embarrassing theatrics. Not a big deal, but the cringe is strong with that one.

Don't care but it would have been better if she was in a thong and crop top. As long as you keep the sound off.
Nothing all that serious, but it reminds me of the corporate dorks at some convention who try to pump up the audience with embarrassing theatrics. Not a big deal, but the cringe is strong with that one.
Like I said, take the Buscemi meme after the Lamar Pop Out concert, and this is it.

I mean, I'm not hating because she looks fine doing it. But it's totally pandering.
Oh you're not? You seemed pretty damn scared when I've made you turn around haul ass out of like 15 threads just quoting your own racist tirade about how worthless you think black people are in a thread that had nothing to do with black people. And you also started crying and ran out of the thread when I brought up dads abandoning their kids.
You really ain't shit. In that message that you linked, I was talking about the conservatives not sure how that has to do with black people.I dunno why you would even try lying about that, anybody that clicks on it can see through your horseshit.

Also, wtf are you talking about.Just because someone stops engaging with your repetetive projections about daddy issues on a karate forum. It doesn't mean that they are scared of you or crying, it means that they see no point in talking to you for obvious reasons as you seem to be pushing 40 and priding yourself in being "scary" on a karate forum.

Man, I really have to wonder how badly someones parents have to fuck up for them to end up like you at 40...Now that is actually something frightening to ponder about.
What a dork. Democrats always try to come off as hip or cool when around certain kinds of people. Most are complete frauds. They are slimy like used car salesmen. Super cringe.
Guarantee this halfwit would show up at a trump rally with a shit eating grin and the "id rather be a Russian than a Democrat" tshirt.
You should check out a trump rally for a true spectacle of the moronic adulation of a celebrity by halfwits and cucked boomers. I can't imagine going to a political rally for any party.

You have picked a side. The wrong one.