I thought he was just misguided, then I read his post in the other thread and realized he's a fucktard. It was so mind-blowingly stupid that it doesn't even warrant a response. It was literally the kind of shit we get from the most rabid of BJ Penn fanboys.
After that he claimed to be trolling on twitter (then blocked me when I pointed out his lack of character).
Other issues:
1. He claimed that a fighter would have to smoke weed within 48 hours of drug testing to fail. When I pointed out that weight cutting and dehydration changes this (via release of THC metabolites from adipocytes) as well as changes in hydration levels and levels of ACTH all skew the test, and backed this up with evidence and research, he ran from the thread.
2. When he looked at the standard deviation of testing failures and "concluded" that USADA was serving as a deterrent, I pointed out how this was not true. This took some number of posts. So many, in fact, that I called my wife over to make sure I was not just missing something obvious (yes, it seemed that stupid). She is a biochemist and former researcher for the WHO. She was somewhat less than complementary of his "conclusion."
3. I blasted him over the incredible statistical failure rate of USADA (about 2-4% success, depending on how you draw your data) and he became quite irate. In each of the above cases, I pointed out his actual lack of knowledge of not only the specific science involved, but the actual scientific method and his lack of intellectual integrity.
At the end of the day, he is just a pathetic bitch who cannot admit when he does not know something or makes a mistake. And yeah, this irritates me. I am 50 fucking years old, which means through law of averages, I have fucked up far more than most posters here. So what? Shit happens, be a man and own it. Tomorrow will be a new day, and there will be plenty of mistakes to go around for all of us. But he will keep making the same ones because he cannot acknowledge them, and that is just pathetic. I seem to recall being disciplined for this as a child.