Anybody been snubbed by a UFC fighter?

I've had a few interactions with UFC fighters on twitter. All of them have been pretty positive, Mousasi, Michael Johnson, Paul Felder, Tim Kennedy were all pretty cool. Of course I only tweet fighters that I'm a fan of, I'm not trying to talk shit to pro athletes on social media so that could be why the ones that have responded have always been friendly.
I've been fortunate to meet a few. None snubbed me but a few definitely were not interested in meeting any fans that day.

Matt Hughes was at a meet & greet in Milwaukee. Fucker was way more interested in his salad than any fans. Jake Ellenberger in Dallas at a meet & greet. He looked bored & sounded that way too. Kung Lee in Chicago at a meet & greet. He was so damn hung over, I'm not sure he knew where he was. lulz

On the flip side, some of the coolest fighters have been Josh Thomson, Dustin Poirier, Daron Cruickshank, DC, Joe Warren, and Lil' Evil.
Megan Anderson kept harassing me for sex on twitter through DM. I politely but firmly declined, citing my marriage vows and loving marriage and determination to remain loyal to my wife.

I showed my wife the exchange. She called me a gay pussy and divorced me.

True story.
Who was it? Tell us about it. We're here for you.

If you haven't been snubbed, which fighters are / were most likely to snub a fan?

I'd go with Ronda, Schaub, Travis Browne, and Dana. Coincidentally, all three have been involved with Ronda! (allegedly)
Funny thing. Was going through a Canadian airport and saw Darren Till just after loss to Masvidal. Took me a moment to recognize him and he got that look like don’t be asking for my autograph. Now I’m no star struck person and don’t care for no autograph but I saw the look lol. Guess he headed to Canary Isles for some trouble after.
Lavar Johnson used to come into my place of work often, with his girl. Big dude. Supposedly 6’3 but I’m 6’2 and he seemed a bit taller. Always wore a Randall Cunningham Jersey. Was real nice to everyone. This is obviously before he went to prison.
Met Roger Huerta yeeears ago. When he was really popular. Trying to make him the face of MMA time period. We walked by each other at a boardwalk. Just said “Matador!” and he said “what’s up man”.

Most recently, which is still awhile, TJ (who had recently lost the belt to Cruz) and Chad Mendes both came in together to my work place. Looked like Chad just tagged along but TJ had his wife and Dad and I think a brother with him. My job is very close to Angel’s Camp so a lot of people recognized him immediately. People were coming up to him and saying nice things like “you’re still the champ “ etc... First thing he did was come talk to me and another to complain that people were coming up talking to him. Like we should try to block anyone who might come say hello or something. When he was an up and coming fighter he’d come talk to the bigs to try and get sponsored, but after making it he comes in and wants us to somehow stop anyone from talking to him...right outside his hometown..
Chad was pretty quiet, polite, pulled me aside and asked discretely if there was someway we could get him alcohol still even though it was like 3am.
TJ was loud, obnoxious and rude. He’d cus out employees that were in front of him, call them names etc.. Meanwhile we were discussing amongst ourselves if we were going to have to kick him out...
Not a cool dude...At least not that night..

I too met TJ walking out of a coffee shop next to my work. It was the day that his NY / Madison Square Garden fight with Cody was announced. I called out and congratulated him on the big fight... he was nice enough, but seemed pretty indifferent. He let me snap a quick photo, and then said I gotta go.
Lavar Johnson used to come into my place of work often, with his girl. Big dude. Supposedly 6’3 but I’m 6’2 and he seemed a bit taller. Always wore a Randall Cunningham Jersey. Was real nice to everyone. This is obviously before he went to prison.
Met Roger Huerta yeeears ago. When he was really popular. Trying to make him the face of MMA time period. We walked by each other at a boardwalk. Just said “Matador!” and he said “what’s up man”.

Most recently, which is still awhile, TJ (who had recently lost the belt to Cruz) and Chad Mendes both came in together to my work place. Looked like Chad just tagged along but TJ had his wife and Dad and I think a brother with him. My job is very close to Angel’s Camp so a lot of people recognized him immediately. People were coming up to him and saying nice things like “you’re still the champ “ etc... First thing he did was come talk to me and another to complain that people were coming up talking to him. Like we should try to block anyone who might come say hello or something. When he was an up and coming fighter he’d come talk to the bigs to try and get sponsored, but after making it he comes in and wants us to somehow stop anyone from talking to him...right outside his hometown..
Chad was pretty quiet, polite, pulled me aside and asked discretely if there was someway we could get him alcohol still even though it was like 3am.
TJ was loud, obnoxious and rude. He’d cus out employees that were in front of him, call them names etc.. Meanwhile we were discussing amongst ourselves if we were going to have to kick him out...
Not a cool dude...At least not that night..

What do you do? Work in a bar? Just curious
My brother in law ran into Dana on his way out of an elevator in Vegas. Said he just gave him a not so inviting look, so he didn't bother.
@HHJ and I once approached Phil Baroni to discuss an interview at like 2am. He had a look on his face like "I am not standing here talking with these nerds right now". Fortunately we were just trying to get contact info for later and he was cool with that.
I wrote Evan Tanner once, turns out he was the nicest guy ever.

Sorry that’s as close as I get to meeting a fighter. Lol
Only fighters I've trained with...

Luiz Palomino was pretty aggressive after I took him down and passed his guard. Started screaming "let's go again"! (We were doing specific training)

Mike Rio was nice enough after we wrestled... told me "You're good but I'm on another level" lol.

Andrew Holbrook is the nicest dude ever.

Amanda Nunes has trained with my little brother and is apparently very nice.. so is her GF nina.

Dana White spoke at the University of Miami and gave me and my friend tons of free UFC dvd's and two free 1 grand value tickets to Forrest-Tito in Vegas. I didn't meet him, my roomate did. But I will always love Dana for that.
He was at a Bellator meet and greet at Mohegan Sun. They don't do them as much anymore but Bellator used to do free meet and greets before the fights for the ticket holders. He was there with Royce and Kimbo.
What were kimbo and Royce like?
Not a UFC fighter but Bob Sapp did me dirty on my birthday in front of all my friends. I won't get into specifics but it was worse than a snub. He was so friendly at first than the betrayl.
Not a UFC fighter but Bob Sapp did me dirty on my birthday in front of all my friends. I won't get into specifics but it was worse than a snub. He was so friendly at first than the betrayl.

Is just me or does he talk fucking endlessly?

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