Anybody been snubbed by a UFC fighter?

No surprise there lol that guy exudes pretention. At least he has the achievements to justify but I wouldn't want to be stuck at the same table as him.
if I had an Olympic gold medal I would be way worse.
I was at a Warriors game a few years ago when UFC and Dethrone were just getting big. Tons of Bay Area fighters showed up....Giblert, Nate Diaz, Josh Tompson, King Mo, even Cain came out.......Nick show! lol. Giblert and Nate were just joking about he was probably late, got stuck in traffic and just decided to smoke weed and skip the event instead.
To be honest I pretty much said the same thing when I found out the seminar was cancelled. It was the middle of Winter out here too, so I can't blame him for not wanting to be exposed to below freezing temps.
frank trigg, total dick. Directing his comments at me on fighting anyone if they've got money..... pretty odd since I was a random to him. This was right before hughes beat him in the epic comeback.
I met Mike Goldberg right after he "retired." I asked him if he'd sign a picture of himself after writing the words, "It's all over." He laughed and said, "Sure."
Cowboy gave me a fucking foul look one time but I was kinda staring wondering if it was Donald or some random in a cowboy hat

Lol you must have been scared shitless when he gave you the look
When I was an intern for a local newspaper several years ago, I insisted at the editorial committee so I could cover a seminar that Wand was giving. Being French, nobody else in the whole journal had any idea who he was and why I was so excited. Even though everything was booked for an interview and I was standing in front of his translator, Wand canceled it with no explanation. I was a rookie journalist so I insisted but not as much as I could have, I was so disappointed that I didn't even write a report for the whole seminar. Now I would pester his whole team until I was given what was agreed, lol.
Wand is a very easy going dude in real life, has no star attitude at all. Maybe bad day or whatever.
I met both Nogs in a group situation with some mutual friends. Big Nog was soooo much nicer. Lil' didn't seem too friendly. Not rude, but not as nice. I realized later I was wearing a SHOGUN shirt <45>


Geezus. How tall are you then mate?
Yep, saw Ronda in the airport and asked her to sign my purple pillowcase.. Bitch flipped me off. :(
Who was it? Tell us about it. We're here for you.

If you haven't been snubbed, which fighters are / were most likely to snub a fan?

I'd go with Ronda, Schaub, Travis Browne, and Dana. Coincidentally, all three have been involved with Ronda! (allegedly)

So. I ran into literally Tyron Woodley as he was stepping out of the shitter in the Toronto airport. I some what fan boyed out a "oh shit, Hey champ....."

He put his hands up and was hard core ",guy not in the fucking bathroom ".......

I look back on it an know he was right, but I didnt even know he was in there.

Still so happy the African guy destroyed him
Not MMA, but was on the escalator just behind Mike Tyson in the Maui airport in 1998, about a year after he bit off Holyfield's ear. He was with a girl, not his then current wife. Was gonna say hi but he kind of gave me that snarl...
Thank God you dindt say nothing, that Tyson only one year after that incident was fucking scary
I've met quite a few fighters they were all cool except Matt Hughes. He was taking pics with fans between fights at a Fight Night. Got a pic and told him i always enjoyed his fights. He just said nothing and stood there. This was before the train accident. I guess it wasn't a total snub cause he took a pic lol. I think this was when him and Chuck still had the ambassador jobs. You could just tell he didn't want to be there.

Royce Gracie was super friendly. Tito, Chuck and Pettis were cool. Forrest was funny. Fedor was quiet. Alot of them are how you'd expect.

Bumped into Liam Mcgeary in the crowd leaving the last Bellator in CT. He was with his wife and kids kind of sneaking through the crowd with a hoodie on. Talked to him for a sec about the awful MVP Daley fight. He was cool even though you could tell he wanted to get out of the casino.
How did you meet Fedor?
How did you meet Fedor?
He was at a Bellator meet and greet at Mohegan Sun. They don't do them as much anymore but Bellator used to do free meet and greets before the fights for the ticket holders. He was there with Royce and Kimbo.