News Marlon Moraes became a cop

Challenger as I recall.

But yeah, I hear you.

It would be nice if the UFC at least had some sort of pension program, you got a company making BILLIONS and using all the footage from past fights for promotion, they should be able to pay guys a portion of their average annual earnings so they had SOME sort of income to show for their blood sweat amd CTE.
How about UFC not getting any new fighters and go bankrupt since everyone in the world knows how much they pay?
I pay 2.99$ a month to watch UFC events and i don't want my precious money to go to retired fighters!
He will be perfect on his 1 day on the job but will run out of steam on day 2.
That's much higher than I expected, like double. In the UK I think cop salaries aren't even close to this, you'd have to be very high up to command close to the higher end.

It varies a lot.
A) that is a state trooper salary.

I looked up state police in my town

starting 60k scale up to 105k

but that brings up a good point that dumb people fuck up.

if you are going to do a job, do it where it pays the best

dont wait tables at Friendlys for base pay of shit.50/hr with $12 checks and you have to bus and clean your own tables.

Wait tables in a white table cloth place and upsell wine all night and get tipped on $200+ checks. This place you work LESS (They have food runners and bus boys)

same idea here.

if he wants to be a beat cop I looked up his town it is 60k-105 like mine, +/- a small % same idea. But in Florida that probably goes pretty far, plus he can seminar if he wants or do private lessons for good $$, if he is up for that

Even if he did he's only 36. Still plenty of time to work and make some money doing whatever

Most fighters are financially retarded and don't think ahead. Moraes fought for a title and earned several performance bonuses and was paid $100k+ per fight. If he didn't invest, he has only himself to blame. MMA fighters are paid poorly only relative to other sports.

We don't know that.
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

Maybe he always wanted to be a cop, he has his house paid for and this is walking around money and a 2nd career doing something he has always been passionate about.

We don't know. I don't know the guy.
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He was a professional fighter…

In the world’s most premiere combat league…

No way, he should be applying to police academy after his career.

Cops around my way make around $36k to $77k. That’s terrible - again - after being a professional prize fighter.

It’d be a whole different ball game if he went to police academy after being a plumber.

Anyway, that’s how I feel about it. I’d never want to put my health at risk for money only to be broke or low income after all those years of damage.
He's put his health at risk his entire career being a fighter, maybe it's something he wants. Seems like he's over fighting, what else could he do? Open up a gym, be a trainer? Probably doesn't have any business experience just being a fighter, probably can do seminars on the side for money
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Most people use guns in the states - criminals and cops included.

Most cops go thier whole career without ever firing at a person. EVERY cop punches a few people.
Unless he lands first without warning :p Then he has a shot.

As long as he doesn't try to stop Corey Sandhagen from knocking over a 7-11 it should be fine.
Just looked up his record, didnt realize he got TKO'd so much at the end... HE was totally talented, anyone who can get a decision over Jose Aldo, is a talent.. I wish him the best of luck in the future!
Being a cop is a tough role that someone has to fill, good on him for contributing to his community.
That's much higher than I expected, like double. In the UK I think cop salaries aren't even close to this, you'd have to be very high up to command close to the higher end.
Those numbers are for state troopers, and that's not the same as a regular officer sir.