Antifa the real racist nazis attack jews in NYC

It's not a dodge, you convinced me, nazis are leftists. Which means the deep state are nazis and they would not persecute fellow nazis. You never asked me anything anyway.

Whatever... It’s clear the far left has adopted Nazi tactics for suppressing opposing opinions.
Soooo... People weren’t arrested for protesting the Covid lockdowns in Berlin?

Those people were temporarily arrested because of:
...violating the rights of assembly
...breach of the public peace
...and assault and resistance against executory officers.

That ridiculous rally took place back in 2017 and was a massive failure. Everyone on that list is even more of a nobody these days than they were at that time. The only guy most people will recognize is Richard Spencer and that is because a bunch of mainstream media outlets like The Atlantic were pushing him as the leader of the alt-right that was supposed to take over America under Trump. Of course, it was all fake news.
Yeah he's acting like trump was there or even endorsed it. It's all based on a lie that thd dishonest media has pushed
Yep. Don't see any conservatives going to leftists rallies and just straight up attacking them.
Whatever... It’s clear the far left has adopted Nazi tactics for suppressing opposing opinions.
When was the last time right wingers attacked minorities? The left has done it multiple times this year. Or are you just throwing around accusations without any evidence what so ever at all, again?

Not several times-constantly violent.
Of course they are. Antifa, like everything oozing from the far-Left nowadays, has a good cause at its core. It started around a good cause, but like everything Leftist it's completely jumped the shark and overstepped around 20 marks to get to where it is today. Now, it's an organisation that bullies and assaults minority groups in exactly the same way Hitler's brown shirts did back in Nazi couldn't script it.

Right on. Their platform, or what it started out to be was anti racism, anti-violence, anti sexism, anti homophobia, clean planet-and then they warped everything. They started becoming eco terrorists, started using violence on anyone who doesn’t agree. And if they aren’t violent, they are accusing any opposing view as being one of those negative descriptors. In the video on the first page, some guy starts calling them “gay haters”
I'm sure you've done so with little effort........

There has been so much leftist violence before and after that event that it is hard to keep track of it all let alone remembering an event where a bunch of alt-right retards got together 3-years ago.
There has been so much leftist violence before and after that event that it is hard to keep track of it all let along remembering an event where a bunch of alt-right retards got together 3-years ago.
Lol, in a vacuum........
Yeah idiot, both sides are pathetic. If you think these trump supporters dont like to get into these confrontations and fights youre out of your mind and stupid, no offense. Like at the proud boys and the other groups fighting with antifas. BOTH sides are PATHETIC as fuck and anyone who tries to deny it as well.

While I would not argue that there’s not a pathetic element to the right, they almost never start the violence. The left can’t not be verbally or physically combative. Simply having an American flag is enough provocation to have someone-usually some dumb twat run up and take the flag and then when the owner goes after it, they are attacked. This was a line of cars that were simply driving through with flags and they were attacked. There was an idiot in a red hoodie that kept being in the middle of it, but after they threw things at his vehicle, blocked him in, called out his daughter to fight-I guess he reached his breaking point. And it is really sad and pathetic that you can’t even drive around showing your support without people attacking you while hiding in a crowd.
I dont cry about systemic racism, I go case by case. I do feel whites are sometimes giving more benefit of the doubt then some blacks though

I would agree with that. What I don’t agree with is that the system is set up to see black people fail at every turn. If there is failure, it is because of multigenerational crime, abuse, neglect, fatherless homes, crime in the community, lack of education, lack of jobs, and repeated trauma from parents and seeing violence in the community. That is the family messing these kids up, not the system.
I'm not sure what reality you live in at this point.
They equate Trump supporter to far right redneck nazi. 60 million people who voted for Trump are not far right redneck nazis.