Anarkix becoming a BEAST! (Lifting, Diet, MMA)


White Belt
Mar 13, 2008
Reaction score
SUP. This is my first real log of any kind, so don't expect it to be amazing. I figured I'd make a log to chart my progress as far as my training goes now that I'm able to take it seriously. I'm posting this log on (where I've been for like a year) and (the most legit MMA forum there is).

Anyways, current stats:

Age - 17
Height - 6"4'
Weight - 190 (fluctuates a bit, from 188 to 193 or so)
BF% - I'd say 12-ish

Goals (Updated 5/12/08):

Short Term:
Begin training at home "Ross Style" w/ equipment that I make (x)
Start MMA training (will be going to Ultimate Fitness to train with Urijah Faber)

Middle Term:
Complete a circuit of "25 Rep Roulette" with 100 lbs sandbag
Get decent in BJJ, MT and Western Boxing (Also now Judo!)
Move to San Diego (Got accepted to SDSU!)
Close the 300 lb. gripper with each hand

Long Term:
Compete in any of the 4 arts mentioned (Three above + actual MMA) at amateur (eventually pro) levels (at either 185 or 205)
BJJ black belt while in SD

My lifting routine right now isn't really set, but once I start training at UF I'm sure my endurance and cardio will reach the point that I can go back to powerlifting routines. It will probably be 3x3 when that point comes. I have to wait to enroll until I get my license (test is Apr 7).

Now, I realize I'm 17, but I've spent plenty of time in the gym since I was a kid, and I've spent even more time reading online. This is why I feel I'm qualified to decide what I supplement with. That being said, I currently supplement with Animal Pak, Lipo 6x (summer cut), ZMA (like the dreams), NO-Xplode (quitting this during cut), and Beta Alanine (just beastly).

Additionally, anyone reading this log should understand that when I do something, I give it 100%. That's generaly why I don't do much (lol). Thus, for my summer cut I'm doing the infamous Velocity Diet (TESTOSTERONE NATION. Today was my first day, had 1 shake so far. I noticed when researching this that there really wasn't any definitive list of products to buy for it (the ones on t-nation are outdated), so here's a list of the ones I got for it and their prices (


5 shakes a day, 10 fish oil, 5 flax seed. I take them all together just cause that seems logical (shake, fish oil, flax seed) every time I feel hungry (off days). On training days (3 a week), it's 5 shakes, 5 flax seed tabs and a PWO shake (that's what the Mass Factor was for). Idk how this will make my energy levels when I first start training, but hopefully I'll get through it and be retardedly shredded for summer (6-8% realistic?).

I'm sure I forgot something, but I'll be posting hopefully every day, so any questions/comments/whatever will be responded to fairly quickly.

Also, I'll do my best to get progress pics.


Note: This log no longer contains homo v-dieting. That ended around page 20 or so.
I would not do the V-Diet. IMO it is a marketing ploy to sell more Biotest supplements. The same effects can be achieved with real food. Looking at your picture you look quite thin. you don't have much bodyfat to lose.

192 lbs at 6' 4" seems light.

I would recommend that you start trying to eat more food and gain more mass.

Your goals seem more towards aesthetics than getting stronger. Get on a good strength training program, eat more food, and you will get bigger. Don't rely on supplements so much.

Good Luck
a) Why the hell are you cutting bodyfat. You are a six foot four inch skinny guy.

b) You are going on a starvation diet without doing any weight or strength training. You are going to lose what little muscle you have.

c) You wasted a shit load of money on supplements when you seem to have no absolutely no training direction. A lot of goals and very little action to achieve them.
You are crazy. You should be eating whole food and trying to gain a bit of mass, not buying supplements and dieting.
*double, but might as well use it*

Go get a sandwich. Or buy $300 worth of eggs and milk.
Welcome to the dog. Now, eat something and pick up some heavy things.

Or just spend a shit load on supplements and take BB.comesque pictures of yourself in the bathroom. Why are most of the pictures from the bathroom?

Seriously, EAT. Like a man. You're 17 duder. And 6'4". With some eating and proper training, you're a legit HW. EAT.
Seriously, EAT. Like a man. You're 17 duder. And 6'4". With some eating and proper training, you're a legit HW. EAT.

These are true words. Your t-levels are as jacked as they will ever be. You will have to be on juice in 10 years to even compare to the gains in size and strength you can make now. Just eat and train, and if you stick to MMA training and wind up competing years down the road worry about weight classes then.
While I'm shitting in this dude's log...I don't understand why anyone would intentionally stay Kendall Grove skinny. HW's make the money in combat sports. Fans like to see big men fight. Get big if you can and if you eventually end up fighting, your investment in food will pay off. Look at JT. He gets fights and makes decent money based on his size and ability to get KTFO in interesting and innovative ways.
I eat more than you, I think, and I'm a 5'4" female who struggles shoveling enough food down my throat, heh. Please eat, your body will thank you when you start heavy lifting and training. In fact, if I remember correctly, the V Diet states that you're supposed to lift and avoid any cardio the entire time or it'll backfire, so it sounds like something's not right with your approach anyways. If you really want to trim what's left of your bodyfat, do it later, not now, when you have some bodyfat to trim. I do believe you need some though for taking impacts, fyi. I can't find a source for that at the moment, but I know from experience in playing fieldball that having a bit of cushion does make a difference in taking hits and recovery, lol.

Btw, you might as well start lifting heavy now and reap the benefits asap.

Drop the V Diet. At least you won't be running out of protein mix anytime soon :D.
My lifting routine right now isn't really set, but once I start training at UF I'm sure my endurance and cardio will reach the point that I can go back to powerlifting routines. It will probably be 3x3 when that point comes. I have to wait to enroll until I get my license (test is Apr 7).

Now, I realize I'm 17, but I've spent plenty of time in the gym since I was a kid, and I've spent even more time reading online. This is why I feel I'm qualified to decide what I supplement with. That being said, I currently supplement with Animal Pak, Lipo 6x (summer cut), ZMA (like the dreams), NO-Xplode (quitting this during cut), and Beta Alanine (just beastly).

You are 17. As everyone said, your time would be better spent eating eggs, beef and drinking milk (if you need whey, you can buy a 10 pound bag for $70 or so). There is no reason for skinny 17 year old to cut body fat. Find a lifting program that priorities squats, deadlifts and presses. And work hard at increasing your MA skill set. This link also may be helpful -

Best of luck
I'm fairly certain I mentioned in my log that I was pretty well educated about the subject of nutrition and bodybuilding.


If you wanna see a 6"4' skinny guy, look at me 1.5 years ago:


Since then, I have literally QUADRUPLED my bench. I had trouble putting up the bar, now I can get 205 fairly easily (could prob hit 225 or more if I bought a shirt, but I'm not really about maxing anymore). I can deadlift and squat over 315. I did Rippetoe's for over 6 months.

Also, this is the first time I've ever tried changing my diet up, other than when I initially went into BBing and began eating these whole foods you guys mention every day. My fridge was (is) full of chicken, turkey, beef, whole milk, eggs and fruit. Unfortunately, I can't go back to eating like that for 4 weeks.

Also, I'll be doing a 3x3 powerlifting routine throughout this diet. This is to gain STRENGTH, not MASS.

Everyone's goals are different. Shouldn't be that hard to respect that.

Anyways, thanks for the warm welcome Sherdog!

edit: BTW I fucking love eating. Aside from fighting drinking and partying (woo HS), eating is really my favorite thing to do. Everyone seems to think I want to gain mass. I don't! Thanks though.
You can't get "shredded" without muscle, and you can't get muscle without a good diet. All they are saying, is even if they disagree with your goals, is your plan is terrible. Even body builders know they have to eat a lot to gain muscle....

You cut AFTER you gain muscle, if that is your goal. If you go on VD while lifting, your body is just going to catabolize your muscles and you'll lose both good weight (muscle) and bad weight (fat, which you don't have much to actually lose)
Anderson Silva is huge. He cuts from 205 at least. Also theres nothing attractive about being "Shredded" when you have no muscle.

Aside from fighting drinking and partying (woo HS), eating is really my favorite thing to do.

You look like a pussy, when you spar with a Pro your delusions will come to an end.

Go back to no one cares about your bodyfat goals here mate.
WTF - bulking, cutting - you are 17 years old kid. Train hard and eat healthy.

If you think moving form 12% bf to 9% body fat is one thing that is going to get you laid this summer, you don't understand women. Why hinder your training goals in order to lose 7 pounds or so.....

You also may want to start training and learning the proper skill set before you determine what is the "right" weight to fight at.....

Anyway - take a look at the FAQ in both S&P and D&S.
You can't get "shredded" without muscle, and you can't get muscle without a good diet. All they are saying, is even if they disagree with your goals, is your plan is terrible. Even body builders know they have to eat a lot to gain muscle....

I'm sorry, perhaps you'd like a different pic. I really think it's ironic that you, Mr. 158 lbs, is giving me advice on gaining muscle. I'm not small by any means. I'm gonna assume you're extremely short, say 5'6" (66 inches), against my 6"4' (76 inches). This means that to have about the same amount of mass as me, you'd need to weigh about 87% of as much as I do. In order to do that, you'd have to weigh 168 lbs. You're literally 10 lbs of muscle behind where you need to be to even be on MY level. And I'm just a skinny bitch, right?

Anderson Silva is huge. He cuts from 205 at least. Also theres nothing attractive about being "Shredded" when you have no muscle.

OK, now I'm really thinking I should upload some more pics. The reason short guys look so massive is because they don't need to cram as much muscle onto their tiny frames to look huge. If I was to stand next to Anderson Silva, we'd look pretty comparative as far as mass goes.

It's really unfortunate the only training log section Sherdog has is in the Strength & Power section. Everyone seems to assume that S&P means "Retard Mass for Everyone." Now, I realize I may be overstepping bounds here, but I really don't give a damn, because your disrespect of me was uncalled for at the least. YOU on the other hand are probably overweight, looking to call average sized (shit I'm greater than average size) people skinny to feel more normal yourself. And the best part of the whole thing is, when I was doing 5x5, I was literally squatting nearly DOUBLE what you're doing. My first set was 2 plates, more than 40 pounds over your last! Thanks for making that so easy to find in your training log!

And to anyone looking to hate in this thread, just move on. If I haven't made it fairly obvious that I not only know what I'm talking about but have a decent strength training background as well by now, I don't know what will.
This is going to end well...

Edit: You can do whatever you want. I hope you work hard at it. You can, however, work hard and still waste a lot of energy on things that won't help further your long term goals. You have to remember that people here have gone down similar paths as yours. Most of them are trying to help you even if it sounds a bit harsh. Take a look at some of the fighers logs here - like Finns. It should be helpful.
There is so much win in this thread.