amateur shadow boxing (vid pages 1,4,5)

you drop your hands an awful lot. That's a habit you'd probably like to break.
that is true , normaly i am holding my guard , but when i am shadow boxing i think more about techniq and sometimes i put my hands down , I am gona try to do something with that :)
keeping your hands up is part of good technique. after all we will all end up fighting how we train.
whats your background? TKD and some kickboxing im guessing?
umm... your hands are horrible. do you really have some kickboxing experience?
Tkd and some kick boxing :)

lol i'm good. I could tell by your kicking style and how you would switch stances and put your hands near your waist a lot. You'll get alot of flack on here, lots of posters who dont know anything about fighting will say you suck etc to feel better about themselves but overall the vid looks pretty good, everyone has things they need to work on. You have a TKD background so of course you are programmed to drop the hands, just keep on working on keeping them up and maybe try not to switch stances and you'll come along as a nice kickboxer. Keep training, good luck bud.
umm... your hands are horrible. do you really have some kickboxing experience?

His hands arent horrible, horrible hands would be throwing haymakers and having no concept at all of basic punching. He is a tae kwon do'er working on become a kickboxer, give the guy a break or post a video of yourself to show him how to do it better.
that is not home gym ;] but i am training alone , I am training elbows and knees but on bag, or dummy. i dont like throw knees or elbows in the air .Priority of that shadow boxing was punches.I ve puted ther feew kicks because i like to kick :)

THX Joshua
1, After each and every combo I saw you drop you're hands. I dont care if you're a tkd trainee, I dont care what you are, in kick boxing you will get knocked out. Try to break that habbit ASAP

2.Very nice kicks.

3. That first uppercut was an absolute disaster, but the rest looked better
Try and relax more when throwing punches.

You seem to have the right idea when throwing hooks. ie: pivoting, getting body weight behind the punch. But your staright punches are just arm punches and your not getting any real wieght behind them.

So relax more and work on single punching technique, then add it alltogether into comboinations.
Thank You guy's I am gona do something with My guard from next training :)
Thank You all for advices
His hands arent horrible, horrible hands would be throwing haymakers and having no concept at all of basic punching. He is a tae kwon do'er working on become a kickboxer, give the guy a break or post a video of yourself to show him how to do it better.

well compared to my TKD friends who only train TKD, his hands are horrible. ive seen many TKDer's with some decent hands.
I have a TKD backround as well but watch some TKD turnaments vids and see how alot of guys get caught with thier hands down and that tought me a leson.
when i have My hand's down in TKd I am kicking faster then I am holding guard, but now I am gonna lern to holding guard because that is more important

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