Am I the only one who would rather see Jones/Gus instead of Jones/Cormier fight?

I don't see how you could be an MMA fan and not like the fight.

An essentially undefeated fighter that has dominated all but one fight vs. an undefeated Olympian that has the best wrestling in MMA.

What's not to like?
I don't see how you could be an MMA fan and not like the fight.

An essentially undefeated fighter that has dominated all but one fight vs. an undefeated Olympian that has the best wrestling in MMA.

What's not to like?

some people aren't fight fans.
what a weirdo.
i havent been this much excited for a fight since like i dont even....
If you don't even think about what the words in your title mean, why should anyone presume your post has anything worthwhile?
at least you learned a valuable lesson on 'couldn't' .

Don't worry, we will eventually teach every American in the country're the only one.

It's been awhile since I was actually anxious/excited for a ufc fight. For the longest I've just been watching fights for a pastime. This is the first one in a while that has sucked me onboard the hype train. I can't wait! Hoping to see DC flip Jones on his head.
I am sure that most people could care less. They could conceivably care a lot less. You may be the only one who can not care any less.
As dynamic as they both are, the only way I could see it being remotely boring would be a grinding affair from Cormier. Even that happening to jones however, would be pretty engaging.

I'm afraid Jones will play it extremely safe and point-fight Cormier from the distance. I hope I'm wrong though.
You're not a real fight fan imo. Best fight in years
look TS, all kidding aside. do you remember the Overeem/Lesnar bout? before the bout, roughly 90% of fans *knew* exactly who would win and how - about 45% thought Brock and about 45% thought Overeem.

they didn't *think*, they fucking KNEW. and half of em were wrong.

that was just the most extreme example of what happens in prior to most fights.

just look at the boards. many posters are positive that Jones has no chance. just like you're positive Cormier has no chance.

one of these groups is most likely wrong. maybe (some of us hope) both of you are wrong, and neither destroys the other, and the 3rd day into the new year we have a solid FOTY contender.

that you don't see this flabbergasts me. because i know you've fallen victim to this before (as i said in my last post). so the real question is, why wouldn't have have learned already?

enjoy the fight. and don't just enjoy being right (if you are), just like you wouldn't hate a really fucking good fight just because you were wrong.
It's exciting to me because when both these guys started I said (Somewhere in these forums. ) that they would each become UFC champs...for Bones I said this after the Bonner fight and for Cormier it was after the Barnett fight. Now that they're fighting one another it's the best MMA fight I will see since Liddell vs Couture.
Unfortunately, I'm expecting a pretty boring fight in which Jones will jab and kick his way to a UD. Will watch, though.


Will Cormier completely outclass JBJ by slamming him and putting on a grappling clinic? doubtful

Will Cormier be able to take down JBJ down at will and maintain top control throughout the fight? doubtful

Will Cormier be successful by GNPing or submitting JBJ enroute to a finish? doubtful

Will Cormier have the gas tank to use lateral movement for 5 rounds impeding JBJ from setting up to use his range and making it competitive? Possible, but unlikely.

Will Jones be able to use range to keep Cormier at bay and pick him apart? Possible and most likely outcome.

Will the last scenario lead to a disappointing fight because it's been done to every LHW Jones has faced minus Gus? Yes.....

Sorry if I'm pessimistic, just also being realistic

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