Alex Jones got caught watching Tranny porn lol




I’m not surprised, motherfuckers.

Usually, the people who are most vehemently against gays and trannies are borderline or full on gay, or they love tranny stuff. They’re ashamed of themselves, so they go full 180 on it in the public eye, trying to convince everyone how hardcore against all that they are.
What do trannies have to do with pedos?
Alex Jones claims trannies are Satanist Pedos... Just playing by Jones's own rules.

Also Trump is on tape flirting with a 10 year old saying he was gonna date her in 10 years.
If its a male to female tranny with a female, is it gay?

What about a trans with male genitals? With a female?

How do the labels work?
So we can post about tranny porn but when i make a thread about my boxers riding up on me its deleted. Sherdog mods are so consistent

Lets just talk about your Boxers via PM.

Do you have skype?
I’m not surprised, motherfuckers.

Usually, the people who are most vehemently against gays and trannies are borderline or full on gay, or they love tranny stuff. They’re ashamed of themselves, so they go full 180 on it in the public eye, trying to convince everyone how hardcore against all that they are.

What if you're vehemently opposed to it, yet undeniably attracted to them?
Who doesn't watch tranny porn? This is what they look like now.


I don't. I tried a couple times, watching them with WOMAN, but I don't watch gay porn, at all, so I wouldn't even have tried anything else. I couldn't even get into the tranny dude on girl stuff. Seemed stupid, and I'm pretty sure the girl wouldn't have wanted to get knocked up by the weirdo.
Most of Sherdog watches it anyway so he’d fit in well on here
Yo if you watch tranny porn you are fuckin wierd as fuck don’t care if you are Alex Jones or some sherdogger the fuck you thinkin?
Tells his viewers for years Trannys are sick individuals who are mentally ill and abuse children.... Gets caught watching Trannys porn. <36>

I know it's stupid but the left needs to start doing the conspiracy angle a little more. There is FAR more evidence of Trump (And now Alex lol) being a Pedo than Obama and Hillary. Just for shits and giggles.


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