Alan Belcher tools


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
i have only seen 3 of his fights sexyama, jason mcdonold and pual harris fights just wondering other then visious ground and pound what are some things he is really good at. ive seen some of his blog post and he seems really intelligent
He has a great chin which is intangible. Powerful kicks/punches and underrated jj.

He also beat Akiyama, IMO
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how did he lost to jason day even though jason is from my home town you shouldnt be in the ufc if you lost to him
great game plans. he nailed that one dead on. he destroyed gouvia (sp?) and i think if he legit gets past okami, i will finally believe that he has put it all together.
That was over 4 years ago. He's definitely improved considerably. He's not ready for Anderson but who is? He is a tough matchup for just about anyone at 185.

Also that was probably Day's best outing EVER
how did he lost to jason day even though jason is from my home town you shouldnt be in the ufc if you lost to him

did you just start watching mma?

so should Anderson Silva be kicked out of the Ufc because he lost to Takase? How about Bendo he lost to someone named Rocky Johnson(no not the Rock)?
He is a good kickboxer with a wide array of strikes, decent wrestling, good BJJ, good GnP. He is a good all around fighter, but I think his standup is his strong suit. He is big as shit for MW too.
Great Muay thai and a great chin. Watch his fight with Denis Kang, it's fantastic. Kang basically beats the shit out of him and when his hands start to hurt, he goes for a takedown, only for Belcher to catch him in a guilllotine and end the fight. He shows crazy heart/chin in that fight.
Great muay thai, and did you just say someone from Louisiana sounds intelligent?
Belcher has solid all around skills, is willing to trade, and is hard to submit. In this fight against okami, he might get taken down but he wont be held down. For some reason he does not get the respect he deserves, maybe its that terrible tattoo.
When I first saw Belcher fight I thought he could go a long way, he's a very good all round fighter. Would love to see him make a run for the belt.
he seems to be getting alot of hype for not beating anyone note worthy. his best attributes are aggressiveness, chin, heart.
he seems to be getting alot of hype for not beating anyone note worthy. his best attributes are aggressiveness, chin, heart.

Palhares is noteworthy. He has beaten enough other fringe top ten type guys that were noteworthy prior to fighting him like kang or akiyama. I think he gets less hype than he deserves.
He's a damn good, well rounded guy who just never really put it all together early in his career. He has the athleticism, striking, bjj, and wrestling chops to be a multipronged threat, and it does look like lately he's finally starting to put the pieces together and turn into the elite fighter he's always had the talent for. I'm not sold on his chin though.
i think he just a good athlete who is strong, athletic, can take a punch well conditioned. but his actual skills and technique have never impressed me just a natural athlete who doesnt have technique to match the talent he posses
i will say i just watched his last two fights and he is great with ground and pounding inside the guard. other then jones and gsp might be the best
very well rounded

good standup/cardio

okay ground game