Media Ailin Perez twerks all over opponent after win

I'm not impressed.

Society is really in quite a terrible place at the moment. People are so obviously and easily being manipulated and they are proud as shit to show off how effective the manipulation bamboozled them.

Hopefully the day will come where the pendulum swings back and more people choose to conduct themselves with dignity and class.
Weight missing Skank.

She’s probably pretty popular around here.

No remorse whatsoever by the wench.

And on my Tap..

I picked her to win.
Woman is not synonymous with sex worker. You're projecting with these comments
What are you even taking about? You need to tell that to those who are comparing these fighters to sex workers. That a message you and your friends need to internalize.
And you're mad aboot it.

You homo.
Mad about what? I'm celebrating because I'm laughing at you poor frustrated souls. I said in that post the day was good with a cheers and some hot twerking. Deal with it.
What are you even taking about? You need to tell that to those who are comparing these fighters to sex workers. That a message you and your friends need to internalize.
Someone hated on a sex worker and you said they hate women. Doesn't take a rocket scientist that you see the two as synonyms.
Disrespectful....But that ass...Small fine and she'lll have to blow uncle Dana
If you’re a grown man using the word “twerk” you need better role models.
You sound jealous. And poor.
quite the opposite. i am a whore now too. very lucrative.

and before you go ahead and try to look cool and sound smart again- i simply no longer have sex for free and it has paid off extremely well. The women are rich and good looking wives of rich men they do not like. They want something discreet and professional. I have my career and then outside of that i make more than the entire work office just in my side hustle.
I probably get tipped more than you make in a month in a single session. I will retire in paradise. I have more banks maxed with savings than you probably have fingers. That is the reality. that is my point. Whores dominate. I dominate. You will fail unless you adjust your attitude.
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Someone hated on a sex worker and you said they hate women. Doesn't take a rocket scientist that you see the two as synonyms.
No, they compared a fighter to a sex worker. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the difference between the two. This is not a thread about sex workers; that is a comparison that some poor haters are making.

BTW- hating on sex workers is pathetic too. There are true baddies in the world that hurt others, crying about hookers shows some of your own issues. They aren't hurting you.
you are the one who looks weird here buddy.

whores dominate its that simple. there is no blame they are the winners.

why do that many simps exist. because whores dominate. thats the answer. the problem starts with the whore mentality not the simp mentality.

the way to counter the whore is to be the whore.

I can't say it any more clear than i have.

A whore can also be a man. A whore can come in many forms . At the end of the day though they all dominate.
You're pathetic brother, I'm sorry you got hurt but move along <lmao> <lol> <lmao> <lmao> <lmao> <lmao>
No, they compared a fighter to a sex worker. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the difference between the two. This is not a thread about sex workers; that is a comparison that some poor haters are making.

BTW- hating on sex workers is pathetic too. There are true baddies in the world that hurt others, crying about hookers shows some of your own issues. They aren't hurting you.
Sex workers are almost always broken and slightly mentally ill. They’re not evil, but they should absolutely be discouraged and painted in a bad light. That said, ppl who keep them in business are almost as pathetic. Having known abt a half dozen “sex workers” (I think strippers count), they are all fucked up depressed or hooked on drugs or have extremely poor moral compasses. It’s a sad world. But we absolutely should hate on them in a similar way to hate on coke dealers and the like