Media Ailin Perez twerks all over opponent after win

Sherdog is so gay. Hate on women with a real fervor for things they don't hate on men for. The conversation jumps right to "OnlyFans whores." Some real issues being played out on these pages. This taunting is far less than a lot of men do.

Sorry for being a fan of chicks twerking, I know a lot of you gaybombers can't relate. I know there are cool people here that do, so the day is good.


there are lots. i do meet them. my point is though they do not dominate. they have less. they aren't the majority. the whores reign supreme they are everywhere.
"They have less". Less what, brother? Money, other material things? Who gives a fuck. Do you look up to Andrew Tate? Knock it off with all that domination bullshit lol. You sound shallow as hell. Enjoy the trash when you're in the mood for it. Just keep it in context.
you are the one who looks weird here buddy.

whores dominate its that simple. there is no blame they are the winners.

why do that many simps exist. because whores dominate. thats the answer. the problem starts with the whore mentality not the simp mentality.

the way to counter the whore is to be the whore.

I can't say it any more clear than i have.

A whore can also be a man. A whore can come in many forms . At the end of the day though they all dominate.
Bro cut out this incel behavior, it's embarrassing.
JBG doesn't like this. She is going to get cut in the face for her next fight.
NGL, horrible sportsmanship and slutty. But I would've minded being the Russian chick to get a close ip
only fans whores dominate. they make more money than the average male. a lot of it goes unaccounted for too( off the books) they are just siphoning money out of the system and spending it on dumb shit like uber eats and designer clothing. its not just OF whores. Its snap whores, insta whores, twitter, tinder whores all the kinds of whores the list goes on . they have created this weird thing in the wage gap where lower class and middle class men simply make less than women of the same class because they can suck money from men if its through only fans or other means . prostitution in a sense has become very common if someone told me its 60% or more of adult women i would not be shocked. most are looking for a transaction because they can clearly see the value in it now. None of them need men. they have toys now. they all have these toys that desensitize them sexually to men and then they just proceed to control and dominate the playing field.

there are so many ways in which this is done too. spend some time dating and you will find many women who date to gain free meals, free tickets to shows, all these sorts of things many who see man and women in general and think the man is supposed to provide more than they do even if they make the same income. its all the same thing to me. They sell themselves to gain something. they take . they use sex as the exchange as if sex is something they give you rather then it being mutual.A lot of them aren't even that sexual or perverted they are just manipulative and fake and have no respect for themselves and others.

the thing is in this world you almost have to be an idiot not to sell your self online. you sit in the shit ass apartment while the girls willing to show some tits for their rent money are living the high life and going on vacations and living life while you suck on the dick of the system working 40+ hours a week to go pay check to pay check.

being a whore being a liar, cheating stealing- they dominate. they win. thats the winners. You care about it you judge it you refuse to partake you are the loser. you end with less. This is the reality. I have met many women in all these spaces. Its not a small percentage its an extremely large percentage. They are winning. you lose.

a female waitress can make more money in tips acting like a whore in a single night than the entire male staff could make in a week. wake up to the world.

Except money isn't everything and there is such thing as integrity and dignity. Otherwise Diddy is the epitome of male accomplishment.
Sherdog is so gay. Hate on women with a real fervor for things they don't hate on men for. The conversation jumps right to "OnlyFans whores." Some real issues being played out on these pages. This taunting is far less than a lot of men do.

Sorry for being a fan of chicks twerking, I know a lot of you gaybombers can't relate. I know there are cool people here that do, so the day is good.


Woman is not synonymous with sex worker. You're projecting with these comments.