age birthdays quit being birthdays

Scott Parker 27

Your Mom's Box
Dec 22, 2015
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Hey sherdoggers, just curious at what age you stopped getting gifts (especially moms) on your birthday. This year for my birthday I got 3 bites of an oreo cake for my birthday as I was passing out trophies to the t-ball team I managed this year.
I'm 35 and I still get presents. From my wife, daughter, mom and my sisters.
It was my 12th birthday and my aunt called.

I talked to her for about 5 minutes, and then at the end of the conversation, I thanked her for calling me on my birthday.

It became immediately apparent that she didn't know it was my birthday, and I learned a good lesson that nobody gives a fuck about you or your birthday.
It was my 12th birthday and my aunt called.

I talked to her for about 5 minutes, and then at the end of the conversation, I thanked her for calling me on my birthday.

It became immediately apparent that she didn't know it was my birthday, and I learned a good lesson that nobody gives a fuck about you or your birthday.
You need a hug. Come over here you big lug!:D:D:D
Never, people love me, and my birthday is an event.

They go absolutely apeshit on my birthday in Mexico, it's a national holiday there.
When I realized the concensus method of tracking time means fuck all of anything. Just another illusion.
Haven't had a party since I turned 8.
I'm 25 i just get cash and parents usually take me to get a hooker, usually end up crying in corner by the end of the night, good times
Women generally make a real big deal about their birthdays.

They say things like my "bday month or bday week".

Get over yourself.
I am 33 now, still get some cash from my parents, cake and presents from my wife, but my wife doesn't work, so I sort of pay for my wife to buy stuff for me, I would never buy for myself.

My sister always calls me a day or two after my birthdays. I never brought it up but it obviously she forgets my birthday and my mum calls her up to remind her, because one of the first things my mom asks me is if my sister called already. But I don't care at all, I don't like to be the center of attention anyway. I would probably forget a lot of birthdays myself if my wife wouldn't keep track of those things.
I still get some gifts at the age of 25 but I really don't want anything from anyone. If I really wanted something I would of bought it myself. To be honest i'm fucking sick of how many holidays there is, seems like every second week there is a birthday or special day coming up.
Childhoods over the day you know you're gonna die
Women generally make a real big deal about their birthdays.

They say things like my "bday month or bday week".

Get over yourself.


My chick used to try and pull this shit with me. I flat out told her she gets one day, just like anyone else. Choose what day you want to celebrate and let me know.