Locked AEW CXVII: Mariah is Upon Us

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Rush needs some storylines and direction.
Agreed, hopefully in a storyline where he can continue to be aggressive and get wins.

Being in a heel faction in AEW is tough these days though, popular face runs through the faction and sweeps the whole team. His crew is teasing a comeback so I'm hoping we get a different approach to his team.
I feel like I've always been in the minority here, but Johnny IS a charisma vacuum

There's a reason that out of their tag team, even though Johnny was better in ring, that The Miz is the one who became World Champion.

Johnny Names ain't that guy and his ceiling as top guy was his run in Impact.
It looks like Johnny is cool just collecting a check with his wife at the moment. Dalton Castle managed to make him fun for a bit but DC did the heavy lifting. His skillset set him apart but now the roster is full of guys even low level that do the same in a squash loss lol.

As for Hook I've mentioned before that it looks like he's regressing, AEW missed their chance when he didn't need to do anything to get cheers, toss him in the pile with Wardlow.
So is the Shibata/Hook/Keith match to determine who faces Jericho? Obviously it's gonna be Hook but I'd just make it a 4 way.
Rush needs some storylines and direction.

If I was booking the show he'd be a star. Push him now by just killing these dudes. I think he should be solo. Disband the LFI maybe give him a manager or valet, he can cut a promo but a manager/valet could also benefit him.

If they want to keep the LFI together I'd rework it. Dump Preston Vance and Dralistico and add Bandido, Rosa and Taurus. Bandido/Taurus would be a sick tag team then you can have Rush go after Copes TNT title. A Cope/Rush feud would be great I think. Rush would push Cope as he's very physical.
That Collision was rough and that Dynamite wasn't much better. So skippable, I saw the cards and the following people were on the show:

Lee Moriarty, Matt Sydal, Shane Taylor, Isaiah Kassidy, and The Righteous

These are legitimate jobbers. Not midcarders, legitimate jobbers...getting significant tv time.

AEW Thunder, Tony needs to start booking star vs star on a regular basis.
That Collision was rough and that Dynamite wasn't much better. So skippable, I saw the cards and the following people were on the show:

Lee Moriarty, Matt Sydal, Shane Taylor, Isaiah Kassidy, and The Righteous

These are legitimate jobbers. Not midcarders, legitimate jobbers...getting significant tv time.

AEW Thunder, Tony needs to start booking star vs star on a regular basis.
Or start booking these lower card guys in smaller feuds against each other so that one of them can get some momentum and be moved up, ie the Righteous (i like Vincent) vs Top Flight or something. I guess it probably happens on RoH but who watches that
Or start booking these lower card guys in smaller feuds against each other so that one of them can get some momentum and be moved up, ie the Righteous (i like Vincent) vs Top Flight or something. I guess it probably happens on RoH but who watches that

They really can't do that, because of their bloated roster. They have like 40-50 people midcard or above.

Do you have Shane Taylor Productions have a weekly feud on your show with Private Party when Penta and Fenix aren't even being used?
They have like 40-50 people midcard or above.

Do you have Shane Taylor Productions have a weekly feud on your show with Private Party when Penta and Fenix aren't even being used?


They have a small handful of people treated like they could actually win something and everyone else on the roster is fodder for that small handful of people. Penta is being used, but it's as a jobber, he ain't even being treated like anything but fodder. Penta might as well be Lee Moriarty at this point.

If I'm going to see Shane Taylor Promotions or Top Flight every week, I'd at least like to give a fuck and maybe think they have a shot to win something, even if it's against each other. That's one of the things I miss about WCW back in the day, every single person on the roster had a feud on TV. Hell, that's how Chris Jericho became so popular and made people care when he jumped ship, he was never in any main big feud, he was always in a lower card feud with Dean Malenko or Juventud Guerrera.

If AEW didn't need to have nothing but 15-20+ minute "bangers" for every single fucking meaningless match, maybe they could fit feuds in for their lower card guys. A meaningful 5-7 minute match can be a "banger" as well if these guys learned how to tell a story in the ring. WCW Nitro and WCW Saturday Night would have 8-10 matches on a 2 hour show and everybody had some kind of feud going on and it was great.
Guess AEW has given up trying to sell tickets for Collision. They're going to do 5 straight weeks of Collision and a ROH PPV from a tiny building used for esports in Arlington, TX.

It holds like what 2,500?

Makes sense really if you're only getting 3,500 in for Collision on the road and sometimes less. Even at 4k its probably not worth the extra tickets sold moving stuff around the country.
Please, please let this be sarcasm. I've never understood how Nattie lasted so long in the WWE. She can wrestle but she has no charisma and is just okay on the mic if I remember correctly. Her and Mone would be decent wrestling but the lead up to it would be pretty bad.

Because she can work. She is a great hand to have.

She is also hilarious on twitter, so she might be able to bring some of that out in a lesser PG environment.
Maybe if this stay in Arlington works out, they should really look in to doing something similar for the future. Maybe they can even rent a warehouse and build out their own studio with 500-1000 seats somewhere like WWE does with NXT. They taped Collision yesterday in a 20k seat arena, configured it for only 3.2k and only sold 2.6k. Could probably benefit not trying to sell tickets for 2 different shows in two different markets every single week, 52 weeks a year.

Do Rampage there while they're at it.

Dynamite would benefit from being stand alone again and they should utilise dark match main events with ticket sellers in, even if they're like a lot of 8 men tags or whatever so the workload is lighter.

Imagine you had like The Elite vs BCC or something advertised weeks in advance locally, it would shift more tickets knowing you're seeing them in a match. A lot of the time AEW doesn't advertise anything locally and you have to buy a ticket with no idea who will be on the show.
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