Adopting different accents?


Green Belt
Nov 28, 2021
Reaction score
Throughout my life my accent has changed. I grew up in east coast but started to speak a bit with a drawl when I lived in the South for a few years. Then when I started living abroad I ended up hanging out with mostly Californians and I picked up the way they speak, which makes people think I'm from California even though I never lived there. My southern accent comes out more when I hang out with southerners.

Now that I've been more exposed to English speakers from different countries, I ended up adopting things from then. I say "mate" more now. To non-English people, I can do a pretty good "general" English accent now but English people can tell that I'm faking it.

But no matter how long I've been away from the states, I still default to a general American accent. But it's fun to mess around with different accents. The South African accent is a really fun one.

Has anyone successfully learned how to speak with a different accent?
I lost some of my accent by moving to alberta, I think I have interacted with a half dozen french speakers in the last 20 years I bet if I heard a recording of myself from back then I would not recognize myself
I lost some of my accent by moving to alberta, I think I have interacted with a half dozen french speakers in the last 20 years I bet if I heard a recording of myself from back then I would not recognize myself

I'm a British guy who lived in Alberta for 15+ years, and while I still have a British accent I habitually say 'eh' at the end of sentences. Like way more than any Canadian I've met
I was watching this show, killing eve, and the villain on there Villanelle is great.

She switches seamlessly from English, French, Russian and Spanish.
I train and talk UFC
