Acting against North Korea now.

I think Trump should try and force China's hand by forcing them to invade or remove the regime in North Korea.
Work together with Japan and Korea until the situation gets so bad that China fears and invasion from the US.

If you get Chinese to believe that a US invasion is imminent they will do everything they can to prevent that because they do not want the US Military right in front of their border.
NK also doesn't seem to be the political pawn it ones was for China.
Of course, this would be a policy that takes time but you might as well deal with NK asap I only think the longer you wait the worse it gets.
Not worried about China interference, but rather Seoul being hit hard in retaliation. We just couldn't destroy all their capabilities fast enough to protect Seoul. If it ever gets to the point in which we feel we must attack, I feel for the President who has to make that decision.
Iv read somewhere that in event of attack its predicted there could be close to a million casulties in and around seol due to it being sighted already by so many artillery pieces
America spends more on defense than the entire rest of the world combined. I think that is what he meant.

Not only do we spend more than everyone else combined, but we've been doing that for a long time now.

Our war machine is battle tested.

You may look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc. And see failure. But really, these just made the American juggernaught sharper. Like a prize fighter having tough matches that really test his mettle.

Russia is a distant 2nd with their involvement in similar regions, plus the Crimea. China is unproven. They are not prepared to actually fight America. Not in the slightest.
I just watched 4 'experts' talking about NK and their nuclear capabilities they have at the moment and how far away they really are from having missiles with nuclear heads that will be able to reach the United States. [I actually thought they already could judging by how the media goes on and on about how dangerous the country is.]

I get sick of their leader moaning about the States and the West, like a little child at times! I don't get too worried despite the fact he seems unstable, but once he can attack America with nuclear weapons things will be different.
Everytime NK does something there are news stories and politicians about it, the same old thing each time.
Instead of moaning constantly do something militarily, while it's still possible. Once it's confirmed that they do in fact have the capability to reach America, that'll be too late. The talk will be about 'oh, we should of done something when we had the opportunity.'

Couldn't the most powerful military the Universe has ever known[as far as we know] do something to end this evil regime in NK? To end the fear that one day 'fattie' will completely lose it and attack the West?
Would tactical nuclear weapons be suited to this? I don't know much about them but aren't they of different smaller sizes than the ones that ended up in Japan in '45? More precise? Or is that untrue?

We would have to know where some of their missiles are stored and their various military bases are? Although i'm sure there are ones we know nothing about.
I realize it's easy to say these things, but taking out these places as well as known residences of their leader could be something achievable, or not?
Instead of constant complaining about their leader and what he MIGHT do, do something ourselves! Before it's too late.
Yes lots of innocent people will die, but rather them than us, i'm afraid.
Yes the world will be up in arms about doing this, including China and Russia, but if it's done successfully it will show America, and possibly the West, are serious about their own safety in the world.
Not a half hearted attack, but destroy their capabilities to ever threaten us again. It'll will send a good message to China and Russia, who are after all, anti-America.

Living down here in Australia all this is very easy to say of course. As is the fact i know almost nothing about the military, and i'm naive about such things.
However i have concerns about the safety of The West and our lives. It seems to me all that ever happens in regards to NK is complaining by the world leaders and nothing else, and it's frustrating.
Also China wants to spread itself around the world and is now 'friendly' with the Philippines, which for an Aussie is getting too close to where i live!
We have these powerful militaries, use them.
How come just China? What other country boarders N. Korea?
Even if they had the capability to reach the U.S., North Korea will never be a threat to the United States.

Our missile defense system is so exhaustive and redundant, even a coordinated attack from Russia, China, North Korea, Iran combined would likely prove futile.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't stop North Korea. Invade them, kill their communist leaders, and liberate their people. Their human rights violations have gone on way too long.

If we're gonna play "World Police", let's do it right.
I just watched 4 'experts' talking about NK and their nuclear capabilities they have at the moment and how far away they really are from having missiles with nuclear heads that will be able to reach the United States. [I actually thought they already could judging by how the media goes on and on about how dangerous the country is.]

I get sick of their leader moaning about the States and the West, like a little child at times! I don't get too worried despite the fact he seems unstable, but once he can attack America with nuclear weapons things will be different.
Everytime NK does something there are news stories and politicians about it, the same old thing each time.
Instead of moaning constantly do something militarily, while it's still possible. Once it's confirmed that they do in fact have the capability to reach America, that'll be too late. The talk will be about 'oh, we should of done something when we had the opportunity.'

Couldn't the most powerful military the Universe has ever known[as far as we know] do something to end this evil regime in NK? To end the fear that one day 'fattie' will completely lose it and attack the West?
Would tactical nuclear weapons be suited to this? I don't know much about them but aren't they of different smaller sizes than the ones that ended up in Japan in '45? More precise? Or is that untrue?

We would have to know where some of their missiles are stored and their various military bases are? Although i'm sure there are ones we know nothing about.
I realize it's easy to say these things, but taking out these places as well as known residences of their leader could be something achievable, or not?
Instead of constant complaining about their leader and what he MIGHT do, do something ourselves! Before it's too late.
Yes lots of innocent people will die, but rather them than us, i'm afraid.
Yes the world will be up in arms about doing this, including China and Russia, but if it's done successfully it will show America, and possibly the West, are serious about their own safety in the world.
Not a half hearted attack, but destroy their capabilities to ever threaten us again. It'll will send a good message to China and Russia, who are after all, anti-America.

Living down here in Australia all this is very easy to say of course. As is the fact i know almost nothing about the military, and i'm naive about such things.
However i have concerns about the safety of The West and our lives. It seems to me all that ever happens in regards to NK is complaining by the world leaders and nothing else, and it's frustrating.
Also China wants to spread itself around the world and is now 'friendly' with the Philippines, which for an Aussie is getting too close to where i live!
We have these powerful militaries, use them.

It isn't possible. China would consider it a act of war if we created a refugee problem for them, that would dwarf Europe's refugee problem.

I'm guessing South Korea also prefers the status quo, to the chaos that would ensue.

This sounds very much like Iraq, and how collapsing one domino in a area held together by foreign competing interests in a balancing of powers play, tends to result in the collapse of the whole area.
I would really, really, really, really, really, really like to not start another war during the next four years.
I would really, really, really, really, really, really like to not start another war during the next four years.

The US is a modern day empire. It needs to start wars to stay at the top.
20+ million south Koreans living less than 50 miles away makes any conflict a scary one.