Acting against North Korea now.


Black Belt
Jul 28, 2013
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I just watched 4 'experts' talking about NK and their nuclear capabilities they have at the moment and how far away they really are from having missiles with nuclear heads that will be able to reach the United States. [I actually thought they already could judging by how the media goes on and on about how dangerous the country is.]

I get sick of their leader moaning about the States and the West, like a little child at times! I don't get too worried despite the fact he seems unstable, but once he can attack America with nuclear weapons things will be different.
Everytime NK does something there are news stories and politicians about it, the same old thing each time.
Instead of moaning constantly do something militarily, while it's still possible. Once it's confirmed that they do in fact have the capability to reach America, that'll be too late. The talk will be about 'oh, we should of done something when we had the opportunity.'

Couldn't the most powerful military the Universe has ever known[as far as we know] do something to end this evil regime in NK? To end the fear that one day 'fattie' will completely lose it and attack the West?
Would tactical nuclear weapons be suited to this? I don't know much about them but aren't they of different smaller sizes than the ones that ended up in Japan in '45? More precise? Or is that untrue?

We would have to know where some of their missiles are stored and their various military bases are? Although i'm sure there are ones we know nothing about.
I realize it's easy to say these things, but taking out these places as well as known residences of their leader could be something achievable, or not?
Instead of constant complaining about their leader and what he MIGHT do, do something ourselves! Before it's too late.
Yes lots of innocent people will die, but rather them than us, i'm afraid.
Yes the world will be up in arms about doing this, including China and Russia, but if it's done successfully it will show America, and possibly the West, are serious about their own safety in the world.
Not a half hearted attack, but destroy their capabilities to ever threaten us again. It'll will send a good message to China and Russia, who are after all, anti-America.

Living down here in Australia all this is very easy to say of course. As is the fact i know almost nothing about the military, and i'm naive about such things.
However i have concerns about the safety of The West and our lives. It seems to me all that ever happens in regards to NK is complaining by the world leaders and nothing else, and it's frustrating.
Also China wants to spread itself around the world and is now 'friendly' with the Philippines, which for an Aussie is getting too close to where i live!
We have these powerful militaries, use them.
I'm afraid the United States is not in the position to be able to launch any kind of a "pre-emptive" strike, especially with China half-heartedly backing the North Korean regime.

Based on North Korea's history, they seem to be more of a "defensive cult" than an outright, aggressive cult, although things might change in the hands of a young, potentially more ambitious leader. Attacking them might be the worst possible solution, because it would give them all the reasons in the world to believe what they have been told about foreign invaders.

Ultimately, the only country that has any kind of pull with North Korea, is China. They are the ones who are going to be responsible for the mess that North Korea might potentially cause. How they handle it, is going to gauge their ability to act as a responsible super power. If China can't mantain stability amongst its own neighbours, then we should probably start coming up with ways to make the world economy less dependent on China.
We are a long way from them being able to reach to USA with a nuke. They are barely able to build missiles that can reliably splash town near Tokyo. Their current missiles also need to be fired from a launch pad and take a long time to prep for launch. Until they are able to launch missiles from a silo reliably the USA has nothing to worry about.

South Korea and Japan on the other hand have a lot to worry about with the current DPRK tech. Japan does not have a military setup to project power onto the mainland and I doubt the South Koreans would be okay with supporting a Japanese invasion on the peninsula.
Not worried about China interference, but rather Seoul being hit hard in retaliation. We just couldn't destroy all their capabilities fast enough to protect Seoul. If it ever gets to the point in which we feel we must attack, I feel for the President who has to make that decision.
North Korea always tries to show the world how powerful they are and we just point and laugh. My cousin has a more developed air delivery drone than NK that he bought at Toys R Us.
It's a sticky situation, but sweeping it under the rug isn't the answer.
I would push China hard on dealing with Haircut, and would even suggest putting tactical nukes back in S. Korea (which obviously China doesn't want) to counter the threat, for starters. The problem is, we can't really just sit back and ignore the latest lunatic in N. Korea.
The USA wants North Korean status quo as an excuse to keep weapons in Asia and South Korea dependant. That's how we get such cheap Samsungs. China wants North Korean status quo because nothing happens to china so long as North Korea is still there. Therefore nothing will change.
It's a sticky situation, but sweeping it under the rug isn't the answer.
I would push China hard on dealing with Haircut, and would even suggest putting tactical nukes back in S. Korea (which obviously China doesn't want) to counter the threat, for starters. The problem is, we can't really just sit back and ignore the latest lunatic in N. Korea.

Why cant we ignore him? He isnt a threat to us.
Why cant we ignore him? He isnt a threat to us.
Because if they get ballsy and start dropping bombs on S. Korea we have to respond. We have +30k troops in S. Korea plus 3rd Mar Div stationed a stones throw away in Okinawa. Any attack on S. Korea will kill US servicemen.
Because if they get ballsy and start dropping bombs on S. Korea we have to respond. We have +30k troops in S. Korea plus 3rd Mar Div stationed a stones throw away in Okinawa. Any attack on S. Korea will kill US servicemen.

Its been 60 years of them threatening every day. Kim was educated in a real country, he knows that his country would be annihilated. They arent gonna do shit.
Oh, Kim Jong Un said they are ready? Well, then we certainly must take him seriously. Its not like north korea has been held together by ridiculous lies for the last 60 years.

How many medals did they win in the olympics this year? All of them i think.
You're not very bright, are you?
North Korea always tries to show the world how powerful they are and we just point and laugh. My cousin has a more developed air delivery drone than NK that he bought at Toys R Us.
Having lived in Korea for a few years and getting a good idea of the mindset, and having spoken to some former North Koreans, I'd bet my life DRPK will never bomb Seoul.

They sure as hell would bomb American or Japan if they could but they're not stupid and know they'd be ruined.

All this crap fat Kim comes up with is just posturing. They're not a threat.
LOL, Kim loves Western culture and products too much to Nuke us. He just does a tantrum every now to stay relevant, because he knows we can't liberate him when he has nukes.
Its been 60 years of them threatening every day. Kim was educated in a real country, he knows that his country would be annihilated. They arent gonna do shit.
It was scary as hell when I first started paying attention, then you realize it's like an annual event, NK threatens us and our media says it may be the end of the world.
The fact that the K. Korean is built on a foundation of lies and fear is what makes them as a nuclear tipped ICBM power all the more dangerous. Forget about how such an advance would render the US and our allies in the region hostage (and our ace in the hole obsolete) to whatever whim this nutbag may decide to brandish; if / when the day ever comes when the NK regime is backed into a corner, who's to stop them from going for broke?
Norks and nuclear tipped ICBMs are a very bad combination.
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