A Tribute to Real Men

That site stinks of someone who secretly waxes his chest.
Old news, daddy-o. Maddox is dildoes.
Even his last name is manly: "Peck," the phonetic equivalence of a slang term for a man's chest; it's a simple, almost primitive sound like a grunt, straight and to the point without fancy extra syllables and gratuitous punctuation.

I lol'd
Wow, he's got a lot to say. Click back to "Back to how much I Rule" and be amazed on what else he has to say. This page made me LOL too.... ha.
Wow, he's got a lot to say. Click back to "Back to how much I Rule" and be amazed on what else he has to say. This page made me LOL too.... ha.
I can't believe there are people that haven't discovered Maddox yet.
maddox.xmission.com is older than the internet itself.
yeah i'm pretty sure maddox's site was what the intertubes built themselves onto.
So how much eyeliner is too much when I go to an art viewing?

I had to buy this book solely based on the cover. Laughs were had, but overall subpar.
I was upset with Tucker Max's book as about half of the stories were already on his site which I read for free. I hope his new book and movie are good though.
