A friend of mine's brother died from a Fentanyl Overdose yesterday

My little cousin almost OD'd on oxycontin and some other stuff. scary! really sucks it has ruined a lot of families.
Ive overdosed on the garbage myself. The withdrawal was hell but nothing compared to benzo/alcohol withdrawal
This topic seems to get swept under the rug by both sides. For the left it's not as glamorous as fighting for minority communities and for the right they can't reconcile any social issue that can't simply be blamed on minorities even though a lot of this problem is in conservative areas. So these people are kind of stuck with no support.
I dont think the right tries to blame minorities. They just try to attack the left in general and anyone who supports them. But to be fair the left does the same and call black people “coons” and “uncle toms” for supporting the right
Thank our government for the opioid epidemic. Making marijuana illegal for decades caused hardcore pharmaceuticals to fill the vacuum.
Sorry to hear. I've seen pain meds ruin lives and take lives. It's sad.
I dont think the right tries to blame minorities. They just try to attack the left in general and anyone who supports them. But to be fair the left does the same and call black people “coons” and “uncle toms” for supporting the right
Then you are not paying enough attention or are in denial.

And the fact is they seem to have a very strong opinion of social issues in minority communities yet seem conspicuously quiet on this one that happens to heavily impact white people.
Sorry for your loss first of all, but did rappers get
Suboxone is a mix of buprenorphine and nalaxone. It’s a partial opioid agonist with a low ceiling. An opioid addict can’t get high on it and there is no reason to eat more of it, it suppresses the withdrawal symptoms, and very well. Not a “for fun” drug. Fentanyl in a patch is an extremely strong painkiller which can easily kill you if you’re not experienced. Amazing high
Not to mention the withdrawals of fentanyl are about a thousand times worse than anything else plus it kicks in so much faster. Back when I used, and used fentanyl, I'd start to go into withdrawals in a matter of hours. As opposed to a day or 2 with other opiates
Then you are not paying enough attention or are in denial.

And the fact is they seem to have a very strong opinion of social issues in minority communities yet seem conspicuously quiet on this one that happens to heavily impact white people.
thats simply untrue. I hear way more complaints about the "opioid epidemic" from conservatives than liberals. recently conservatives have been complaining about San Francisco allowing people to shoot up in the streets. The right has always complained about drugs. Modern leftist ideology is rooted in the 60's hippie counter-culture.
Sorry to hear bud. Its getting bad over in Vancouver from what I hear also
thats simply untrue. I hear way more complaints about the "opioid epidemic" from conservatives than liberals. recently conservatives have been complaining about San Francisco allowing people to shoot up in the streets. The right has always complained about drugs. Modern leftist ideology is rooted in the 60's hippie counter-culture.
Really? In your OP you say you had just learned about this epidemic from the cop you had just spoke to.
for those who dont know fentanyl is used for recovering heroin addicts to ween off of heroin, since heroin cant be quit cold turkey without lethal repercussions.

Personally I blame the music. rappers are influencing our kids much more than any politician is

Should have tried to find a methadone clinic instead.

Music didn't kill that dude. Unresolved issues did.
Is this something that people mix with cocaine or is it a stand alone drug?
Does heroin withdrawal kill you? I tried looking online but nothing definitive. Seems like the only way is if you just let yourself dehydrate. I got addicted to Vicodin once and getting off it wasn't to hard. There were two weeks though were I didn't even feel happy ever. Then out of nowhere one day I felt this rush of happiness hit me after school it was crazy.
hey TS u can blame anyone u want to or anything, at least for now.
RIP friends brother, life is short.
I heard that a few grains of fentanyl the size of salt grains can kill a 200lb man. Depending on his/her tolerance
Fentanyl is NOT used to wean users off of heroin. That's what suboxone is for. Fentanyl is a fast acting opioid designed for breakthrough pain

even the patch? whats the difference between suboxone and fentanyl? both are synthetic opioids , I thought

One of my old buddies got put on Suboxone over 10 years ago and is still on it. That shit needs to be better regulated (know one should be on that shit for 10 years), after he would take a strip he'd basically pass out on the spot. Suboxone has become the street drug of choice in my old hometown and a lot of the guys who used it to get off opioids or heroin sell them for $20 a strip. You got 13 year old kids getting wasted on Suboxone all over the country.
Yes the "opioid epidemic" is horrible. But the fact of the matter is that these drugs are very effective for pain management, and in many cases, they're the only effective option. It's difficult for most people to be able to really empathize with serious chronic pain sufferers, but for them a lifetime of drug dependence is so much better than a lifetime of unrelenting pain. I'm all for things like cannabis availability and so on, but that's not solving everything. Not even close. At the end of the day people need to be able to make their own choices, from the foods they eat to the medications they take. Education is really the only way to go, not ever-increasing regulation.
This is literally my job, to combat this. My condolences.