A cheap, homemade round timer (revisited)


I knew all the rules-but the rules did not know me
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Someone here once mentioned making a round timer CD, but I searched and couldn't find the thread. I thought it was a good idea, but I can't claim it for myself. This stuff may sound complicated, but I'm a total idiot with computers, and if I can do it, anyone can. Here's how I did it:

I went to findsounds.com and downloaded a bell, a buzzer and a hammer sound in .wav format. I copied the sounds and pasted them onto a program called Nero Wave Editor (came free with a CD burner I bought). I spaced them out at appropriate intervals to fit my needs, then burnt the CD. When played on a CD player, I set the "repeat" button to give a continuous loop. Here's how it starts when it plays:

Start- Hammer sound (thump, thump, thump) 10-second warning to start of round
:10 - Bell sound (ding, ding) - start of round
3:00 - Hammer sound - 10-second warning to end of round
3:10 - Buzzer - end of round
50 seconds of blank space, then the CD loops back to the hammer at the beginning

I checked it with my stopwatch, and everything's right on the money. I did about 6 rounds over the weekend with it on the heavy and double-end bag in my garage, and it worked flawlessly. I thought about adding some "tones" into the round to let me know how much time has gone by, but I wanted to keep it simple at first and the 10-second warning is enough for me right now.

If anyone's interested, I could put the file up on yousendit or something if someone explains how to do it...
Nice. I got myself a timer a while ago and wrote a review, but that is a nice, low cost version, I will give you that.
good thread! Thanks its pretty cool just to do even if you don't need it.
cool, I would have never thought of that.
The extra 10 seconds to get rready is nice to have epecially when starting, I have the same type of program that someone on the forum posted not too long ago- its just the round and break i just have the track repeat for multiple rounds, I also will play videos of boxing matches in the backround at times and just go round for round with what is playing.
dboy420 said:
I also will play videos of boxing matches in the backround at times and just go round for round with what is playing.

Now, there's an idea. Sherdoggers are a damn resourceful bunch, aren't they?
thanx for the timer mang
Thats a awsome idea...thanks for the round timer man....Saved me a ton of money
Was it just me or when I opened it it didn't play....it was just silence throughout the entire 4 minutes?

**Nevermind, it works fine now....I also made some more round timers on my own....It is pretty cool, I like how I can control how long I'll be going for in each round....I've made some quick 30 second rounds with 10 second intervals....so many choices:D:D Thanks
wow, thats awesome, definately major thankyous are in order!
how about the Gymboss timer at gymboss.com. I here it's awesome and is only $20