A 10-year-old came to my house with garden shears and a covid mask

Now that kid is going to use those shears to cut up lines of fentanyl and slang on the block
then come the opps
the court system and generational poverty for his future 10kids with 20 different mothers

good job @Clippy you just made your city into a war zone
go to his house wearing a hockey mask and carrying a huge knife. and ask him if he needs anything being killed.

It was really weird he asked me if I wanted anything trimmed

I told him no sorry he said he really needed a job ....

Wtf parents sends their kid out like this

I legitimately didn't have any money at all good thing he didn't try to attack me with the shears

Shoulda atleast let him clip your shrubs. He was a hard working kid just trying earn some pocket change. You squashed his dreams, making him jaded.
Well kid knew the Clipster has no kids so he figured he was a good target. My dad had me doing the lawn and yard work when I was like 9
It was really weird he asked me if I wanted anything trimmed

I told him no sorry he said he really needed a job ....

Wtf parents sends their kid out like this

I legitimately didn't have any money at all good thing he didn't try to attack me with the shears

It's obvious that the kid was a professional cat barber.

I would've sent them round @genecop and @Isa place......
Could have been worse. Could have been a raggedy, malnourished looking 8 year old with dead eyes asking if you want to buy a whistle at 11pm.


It was really weird he asked me if I wanted anything trimmed

I told him no sorry he said he really needed a job ....

Wtf parents sends their kid out like this

I legitimately didn't have any money at all good thing he didn't try to attack me with the shears

Would you have preferred that he was unmasked? I mean c’mon @Clippy if he’s only 10 that means he’s unvaccinated. You want to gamble with your life or something?