If you want to have a real discussion on the issue, start by not using the free thought project as your source material. Tftp is copblock’s ugly sister.
Every one of those videos are disgusting. The videos of the drunks getting slammed are likely examples of using too much force(as in physical force) on someone with impaired balance. They give some resistance, the force is applied, and when they go, they go hard. I don’t believe that the end result was what was intended, but it does not excuse the incident. We have all done things either in play, or messing around that turn out wrong. When wrestling with my kids, sometimes you accidentally use too much force and someone gets a boo boo. It’s like that with drunks sometimes, but the consequences and stakes are much higher.
At this point in my career, I am sick of rotating shifts, working holidays, working in shitty weather, and working in a profession that sees so much horrible shit and on top of that, people hate or live you just because you wear a uniform. I am not sure that i will stick out the remaining four years of my career. I love the guys I work with a supervise, but I feel like a stranger in the police barracks anymore, so it is probably time to start looking for another job, which sucks because I have 4 people that outrank me, and people will say I am crazy to walk away with four years left and leaving as a lieutenant, but I am so sick of midnights and afternoon shifts. I am jealous of people with a 9-5 job and a “normal” existence.