Crime 435,000+ Convicted Criminals and 226,847 that have pending criminal charges entered U.S. Under Biden-Harris per ICE report

We've known that Kamala and Biden have been importing murderers, rapists, and other criminals in order to keep their stronghold on power. The problem is the democrat voting base just doesn't care. They are so stupid that these criminals could rape their own family members and they'd still vote blue no matter who. They are so gone and brainwashed by their cult that they just don't care about the destruction of America as long as Whoopi and the idiots on the view tell them that everything is fine and dandy.
This country is toast. Vote in Kamala and watch those numbers, triple.

Please, if you don’t want to vote Trump, at least don’t push the button for Kamala. Your children and grandchildren’s life depends on it.
I wish I could live in such delusion
And don’t they try and say it is only 8 million migrants under Biden and Harris? (Total number and number of criminals both higher)

But assume those numbers are correct, that is a relatively high number of criminals
republicans trying to act like there's some kind of a border crisis while voting against or throwing away border bills each and every single time it comes up. i guess the border is just something that they like to pay lip service to whenever there's an election coming around, but they have absolutely no intentions of ever lifting a finger to do anything about whenever they actually have the chance.

the republicans have the house, and had years to do something about it but as always they choose to sit on their hands and do nothing at all to try to deal with their "crisis" but just point the finger at the other side.

these people don't care about the border. it's all just for political points. and when they get elected they just ignore it like it isn't an issue and the issue is fixed and totally gone away until they lose their seats again and then its back to the same playbook.

if these people truly cared about dealing with the border and illegal immigration and crime, they would have, at the very least, put forward that border funding bill at the start of this year. but they chose not to, on behest of a private citizen who was recently found liable for sexual assault, fraud, and defamation and indicted on nearly 100 felony charges, just so that the rubes could sit on their hands and do nothing some more until it's time for an election to roll around so private citizen molestini cheetolini could try to use it as campaign ammunition for cheap political points.

same playbook, different election.
republicans trying to act like there's some kind of a border crisis while voting against or throwing away border bills each and every single time it comes up. i guess the border is just something that they like to pay lip service to whenever there's an election coming around, but they have absolutely no intentions of ever lifting a finger to do anything about whenever they actually have the chance.

the republicans have the house, and had years to do something about it but as always they choose to sit on their hands and do nothing at all to try to deal with their "crisis" but just point the finger at the other side.

these people don't care about the border. it's all just for political points. and when they get elected they just ignore it like it isn't an issue and the issue is fixed and totally gone away until they lose their seats again and then its back to the same playbook.

if these people truly cared about dealing with the border and illegal immigration and crime, they would have, at the very least, put forward that border funding bill at the start of this year. but they chose not to, on behest of a private citizen who was recently found liable for sexual assault, fraud, and defamation and indicted on nearly 100 felony crimes, just so that the rubes could sit on their hands and do nothing some more until it's time for an election to roll around so they can try to use it as campaign ammunition for cheap political year.

same playbook, different election.
Yep it’s the new deficit , they only care about it when a democrat is in office. Same thing with war, republicans start wars but yet somehow war is only a problem if a democrat is in office.
The list goes on it’s called being a control freak, which is quite fitting since so many fascists love their party so much.
old man yelling at cloud gave such an embarassing and incoherent dementia-ridden interview about future president kamala harris visiting the border today. it was so bad that even faux noise had to cut him off half way through.
republicans trying to act like there's some kind of a border crisis while voting against or throwing away border bills each and every single time it comes up. i guess the border is just something that they like to pay lip service to whenever there's an election coming around, but they have absolutely no intentions of ever lifting a finger to do anything about whenever they actually have the chance.

the republicans have the house, and had years to do something about it but as always they choose to sit on their hands and do nothing at all to try to deal with their "crisis" but just point the finger at the other side.

these people don't care about the border. it's all just for political points. and when they get elected they just ignore it like it isn't an issue and the issue is fixed and totally gone away until they lose their seats again and then its back to the same playbook.

if these people truly cared about dealing with the border and illegal immigration and crime, they would have, at the very least, put forward that border funding bill at the start of this year. but they chose not to, on behest of a private citizen who was recently found liable for sexual assault, fraud, and defamation and indicted on nearly 100 felony charges, just so that the rubes could sit on their hands and do nothing some more until it's time for an election to roll around so private citizen molestini cheetolini could try to use it as campaign ammunition for cheap political points.

same playbook, different election.

You're a complete drone idiot.

That "Border Bill" would have provided billions of dollars for lawyers for the "asylum seekers" so they could stay indefinitely. It also provided billions to "Sanctuary Cities" so they could continue to put the illegal aliens first over our citizens. It was nothing more than codifying the current Open Border system and offered NOTHING towards actual border security until 2028 when we all know it would be way way way too late.

Again... you're a real stupid man.
We need to import billions more criminals.

That way rich people like me can just move to another country while we watch the news and laugh.
You're a complete drone idiot.

That "Border Bill" would have provided billions of dollars for lawyers for the "asylum seekers" so they could stay indefinitely. It also provided billions to "Sanctuary Cities" so they could continue to put the illegal aliens first over our citizens. It was nothing more than codifying the current Open Border system and offered NOTHING towards actual border security until 2028 when we all know it would be way way way too late.

Again... you're a real stupid man.

yeah yeah you've always got your excuses loaded for everything. you cry about all the latest "crisis" you create but you never lift a finger to do anything about it. you continue to prove it, time and time again.

the republicans said that donald trump didn't want to put that bill forward because it would boost biden's approval ratings. that was their reasoning at the time.

and when asked at this months debate as to why he had that bill killed, he literally decided to go off on an unhinged rant about hunter biden instead. we never got so much as to a hint to an answer just as to why else he wanted that bill killed, when his republican colleagues were long pushing for it. but at least we got to hear the latest cry-cry about the president's crackhead son!

the republicans have had control of the house for almost 2 years now. if they cared about the "border crisis" anywhere near as much as they pretend to do whenever there's an election around the corner and they need something to campaign off of, then they could have, at the very least, put forward their own bill and see where it goes.

even if it dies in the senate, at least they would have at least put something down on paper just to make it appear to the average citizens and voters that they care, and show them that they at least tried to do something to help deal with it. but nope. that was too much effort for your fellow do-nothing republicans. they'd rather just sit on their hands and do nothing at all as they always do. crying about the presidents crackhead son and trying to remove their own speaker is much more important than the needs and issues of the country.
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The non-detained docket includes illegal immigrants who have final orders of removal or are going through removal proceedings but are not detained in ICE custody. There are currently more than 7 million people on that docket.

Jesus. That's not even total numbers, just the small percentage that have received an order of removal (and will never be removed because they're millions strong). Meanwhile the deluded act like the millions of illegals flooding in is no biggie because they're "going through a legal process." Bitch no they're not, they're staying forever. You're not removing that.
Lol 😂 I love how the people on this thread just play politics instead of being disgusted. Is this it!!! Lol 😂