Social Anyone else figure out how to eat less to lose weight without feeling bad?

Grilled chicken breast will make you uncomfortably full. It's probably the best "filler" you can throw in throughout the day if you need to feel full.
Make sure you eat enough protein and veggies. Stay away from highly processed foods. Try to minimize sweet sodas and juices(eat whole fruits instead, but don't overeat sweet ones) in your ration. Don't drink milkshakes and sweet coffee a-la Starbucks. Those liquid calories don't make you feel full and are mostly sugar.
Make sure you eat enough protein and veggies. Stay away from highly processed foods. Try to minimize sweet sodas and juices(eat whole fruits instead, but don't overeat sweet ones) in your ration. Don't drink milkshakes and sweet coffee a-la Starbucks. Those liquid calories don't make you feel full and are mostly sugar.
I've been trying to avoid red meat too, have to get my protein somewhere else
Skip breakfast and drink coffee instead. Saves you enough calories for night so you won’t be hungry.
Skip breakfast and drink coffee instead. Saves you enough calories for night so you won’t be hungry.
This is what I do. I just drink coffee until 1pm. Have a snack at that time. Then at 3pm have a 500 cal meal then call it a day. Very effective. I don’t get hunger pains. I think after awhile your body adjusts. Just gotta wait it out. I don’t feel tired either, but I supplement like a bitch.
Also the first sip of coffee in the morning activates your poop shooter so you can have a nicer reading on the scale 😌
Is walking your only form of exercise? Do you snack between meals?
Yes, walking is. I used to play basketball, run on a treadmill, or jog/run a hike damn near daily but it's been a while. If I do snack between meals its usually nuts or fruit.
Cut out carbs and eat strictly carnivore and you won't feel like shit or be a fat pig anymore. Seriously eating clean will solve any food/energy/sleep related issues you have. Sucks at first but after a few months it'll be second nature.
Intermittent Fasting (at least 14hrs but 16 seems to be the sweet spot).
Not really on a diet at the moment, but spicy food is a good way to eat less. Even works for snacks. Get some crazy spicy potato chips, you will eat a few when you are craving chips, but after a few you will beable to put them, down.
black coffee when hungry
if at night, use melatonin to sleep through the night or bang the old lady real hard
run instead of walking
more black coffee, at least for me, I can black coffee all day and go days without eating, but my wife will shit on me for avoiding family time......

Coffee was the way I lost weight both times. Great appetite suppressant if you don’t smoke or do drugs.
Also the first sip of coffee in the morning activates your poop shooter so you can have a nicer reading on the scale 😌
lol. Yes. Also good for those who hate using any other throne but their own. Knock it out before you go anywhere.