375 African Americans murdered in Chicago(2018)


Green Belt
Jul 8, 2017
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Also another 93 not known so it is higher. That’s in one city, in one state. The majority of these homicides are committed by other African Americans. Take what you will from the study but I think “white men” aren’t the only problem in America. We need to identify that there’s even an issue before we as a nation can address it and unfortunately CNN doesn’t honestly care about young African Americans.
The root of the problem is America's shitty education system and the war on drugs. We treat kids like prisoners but then get surprised when some of them grow up and act accordingly. It has gone on for decades now. This is not an issue of race but rather national safety. Call off the drug war and send some of that insane DoD funding to our schools... this quagmire will magically disappear.

Oh wait, that will never happen. Let's keep bickering about left vs right, black vs white.
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we are not supposed to talk about negative things in the black community. especially when white men are the biggest threat to america
we are not supposed to talk about negative things in the black community. especially when white men are the biggest threat to america
Why would you though? Theres a white civil war underway, but you guys wanna talk about the black community for some reason
we are not supposed to talk about negative things in the black community. especially when white men are the biggest threat to america

It’s fine. They aren’t mutually exclusive. Blacks have terrible access to education, easy access to guns, their fathers are almost all in jail or just shitty fathers and they find gangs at 12 or 13 years old. They don’t stand a chance in society.

On the flip side right wing whites keep killing in schools and churches and sending bombs and blowing up abortion clinics.

All need help and reasonable discussions can be had for both issues
It’s fine. They aren’t mutually exclusive. Blacks have terrible access to education, easy access to guns, their fathers are almost all in jail or just shitty fathers and they find gangs at 12 or 13 years old. They don’t stand a chance in society.

On the flip side right wing whites keep killing in schools and churches and sending bombs and blowing up abortion clinics.

All need help and reasonable discussions can be had for both issues
Black people need guys like you to stop telling them they need your help. They dont need shit from you
Black people need guys like you to stop telling them they need your help. They dont need shit from you
^^^^^^exacly these fucking liberals are the biggest issue facing the African American public.
And thousands more shot
It’s fine. They aren’t mutually exclusive. Blacks have terrible access to education, easy access to guns, their fathers are almost all in jail or just shitty fathers and they find gangs at 12 or 13 years old. They don’t stand a chance in society.

On the flip side right wing whites keep killing in schools and churches and sending bombs and blowing up abortion clinics.

All need help and reasonable discussions can be had for both issues
So why aren’t we having reasonable discussions about either?
Black people need guys like you to stop telling them they need your help. They dont need shit from you
Do you self identify as a member of the black community in Chicago?
Why do blacks vote for Democrats?

Because the only advancements for the black community in the past 100 years have come from Democrats. And, of course, because Republicans have for several decades now been running identity politics propaganda against black people.

Also, if you're insinuating cities being ran by Democrats is what makes them more highly criminal, I would challenge you to make any sense of that point. The fact is that municipal governments have very little control over resource allocation and most of the issues facing big cities in terms of poverty and crime are the result of federal policy.
Unfortunately this is entirely a racial and cultural issue. I don't want to say or believe it is genetics because African American crime historically in this country has been at much lower points. However the reality of it is, that even the poorest and least educated and least successful White communities in America have below average levels of violent and property crime, the state of West Virginia is among the poorest in the country by far, and has among the worst education system and is largely rural so many of it's residents don't get the advantages that blacks in more successful inner-cities have of well funded social programs. Yet those same Whites have much lower crime rates and commit much less murder.
perhaps the effect of our failing education system is expressed differently by different cultures. The "whites" you speak of could surely benefit from some systemic improvements in education as much as the blacks mentioned in this thread. Did you know West Virginia has a notorious prescription-drug problem among young people?

Education encompasses a lot, not just books and desks. kids should feel safe, comfortable, happy, engaged, challenged, respected, and valued. Otherwise as adults they may get hooked on hillbilly heroin (poor whites in West Virginia), or shoot people (poor blacks in Chicago).

This is not a race issue but rather a class issue. Quality education and emotional support should be available to all children not just the ones lucky enough to be born into in nice families
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