You really think that's fake beef you really think they're still"friends"
I think they're both huge wrestling fans
As is their coach Dan Lambert
All of which appeared on the next wrestling promotion, as well as several other ATT fighters.
I think Dan masterminded this whole thing. It was a way to take Colby's Schick even further and make it more believable.
Prior to Jorge punching him, most fans were pretty confident that they were just doing it for views, but that's when they started becoming invested into this as a real beef.
I believe it's an elaborate work which they've just done exceptionally well at selling.
Masvidal was doing an interview once with helwani or someone else, can't remember who, and you could hear someone in the background saying "hey junior" who sounded an awful lot like Colby and I believe Poirier was there as well.
So, yeah, crazy as it sounds, I think this is just an elaborate play they've cooked up with Dan lambert. When you look up his history and utterly obsession with pro wrestling, he's the type of guy who could pull something like this off.
Dan literally created Colby's entire character.