International 19 Dead in Series of Attacks on Churches and Synagogues in Dagestan, Khabib-Linked Fighter Among the Attackers Killed; Russia Pretending it's NATO

I just said recently here that some of the fighters UFC deals with aren't the best people. A lot of the Dagis and Chechnyans surrounding Khabib, and Kadyrov of course, are connected to a lot of really bad shit. How good or bad some of the fighters are seems rather irrelevant compared to the moral grey area it is for the UFC to do business with them. It's not really a coincidence why a lot of them constantly have visa issues fighting in the states.

Let them crush cans overseas, we don't need their business that badly.
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This is what happens when you be an islamophobe, homophobe, transphobe bigot christian! Now gays are safe in Dagestan, Pride 2025 will be great there :)
Allah doesn't have nor borders or skin colour and Jihad doesn't have nor borders, nor statehood nor timeframe.

Real life sadly is going
Damn shame.

Religion is such a double-edged sword. I truly wonder when we will learn not to take these books so seriously, but I suppose that is wishful thinking.
Is russia gonna torture the shit out of the suspects again and then release images of their disfigured faces?
Islam is a protected religion of the left. They will defend Muslims at all costs because they believe anything not historically part of the west to be good.
We got mods on this very board who won't say anything about this but are crying about the ten commandments thing because their parents made them go to church one time when they were a kid, and they never got over it.
RIP to the victims. Hope the disgusting pieces of shit celebrating ITT never have to experience the horror of islamic terrorism first hand
We got mods on this very board who won't say anything about this but are crying about the ten commandments thing because their parents made them go to church one time when they were a kid, and they never got over it.

We got a mod in this thread putting a thumbs up on a post about two cops dying.
Islam is a protected religion of the left. They will defend Muslims at all costs because they believe anything not historically part of the west to be good.
And that's why non western atheists starting to support the right in the west because the left in the west literally worshipping their potential killers
Islam is a protected religion of the left. They will defend Muslims at all costs because they believe anything not historically part of the west to be good.
And that's why non western atheists starting to support the right in the west because the left in the west literally worshipping their potential killers
It's the most insane alliance I think I've ever seen. You have a religion that literally forbids your lifestyle to the point where it actually says to kill you in their doctrine and you still support them.

I think you are right that it's mostly their hate for the West and the "system" which ironically is giving them the freedom to speak out. I also think it's ignorance of the ideology and what they support. They go to expensive universities, live in gated communities and have little exposure to Islam. There was a clip recently of a guy interviewing kids on campus and he was talking to a flamboyant gay guy supporting Palestine (doing the Queers for Palestine stuff). He said something to the fact of "Do you know that they throw gay people off buildings?" and the guy was like "No they don't! This interview is over!" and he ran off.

They just think they are fighting the oppressor and have no idea that they are supporting the most oppressive religion on the planet. I think they'll wake up eventually but only after it spreads more. We are already seeing a little bit of it when Michigan elected Muslims and they banned the PRIDE flag. In the UK where there are way more Muslims, they've fought to ban LGBTQ literature from school. If enough of this happens, maybe they'll realize they aren't allies.

But since Muslims are typically ethnic, they'll do all kinds of mental gymnastics to support them because virtue signaling and helping the minority is more important than anything in their world.
The line between extremist fundamentalism and normal Islam is a very fine line with young males in these areas. Khabib and many of his teammates all lean that way judging by their statements. It has spread to Europe and the US will have it's hands full in the next few years. We literally have racist Muslim Congress women lighting flames already. Flying Palestinian flags in their offices. We have Muslims chanting death to America....IN AMERICA. I was always curious as to why the left doesn't take those threats seriously. How are people like Omar and Talib allowed to be in office? Russia can't handle another war, but they are headed for one if this stuff continues.
Honestly, if you have a big Islamic beard, you are a fundamentalist. You see them everywhere in the UFC. If you are that dedicated to grow and keep facial hair because of your religion, you are pretty indoctrinated and fundamentalist. They are praying 5 times a day, going to mosque every chance they get, want Sharia Law and religion dominates their life. When Islam walks out to the cage, he's pointing to the air to Allah.

While some of them may not commit violence, they rarely condemn it and their ideology is what breeds that kind of stuff. After the Australian attack recently, there were local Muslims who said the attacker did what he felt was right because Mohammed was insulted. Basically meaning that while not everyone would do that, he thought the line was crossed and he was justified in what he did.

Religion in general is a cancer to the Earth but some are more dangerous than others and Islam really seems to have this unique power over people. Saudi Arabia was booing Whittaker just because Ikram was a Muslim even though he lives in Russia. Imagine seeing someone cheer a random guy in America because he's Christian. That wouldn't happen.
Damn shame.

Religion is such a double-edged sword. I truly wonder when we will learn not to take these books so seriously, but I suppose that is wishful thinking.
- They grew up without much. Just being lectured like this.
- The extremists. I dont think they had other opitions!

The books is the only true they know.
Maybe. Though many have the same upbringing and such, yet don’t murder. I think everyone at some point questions their beliefs. Up to the individual whether to stay the course and just accept what they are being taught as the gospel(nyuck) or to adopt a more peaceful version of it.
- The extremists. I dont think they had other opitions!

The books is the only true they know.

Da fak dagestan has plenty of options other than terrorist stuff

One attacker was son of city mayor