11 year old Picks up Girls

this is sherdog so it's okay for older women to sexually assault young men - at least according to the hypocrites here.
"If a 30-year-old man has sex with a 13-year-old girl, it's rape but if a 30-year-old woman... boo hoo!" What are you, a feminist? Don't you know men and women are NOT equal? First of all, there's no 13-year-old boy who hasn't dreamed about fucking his female teacher. Second of all, at 13 you're strong enough to throw any woman on her head so if it happened, you let it happen.
20's is all about pickup lines and trying hard to score. 30's you just say "wanna go bang?"

That kids' MACK level?

Hes building core confidence, removing approach anxiety, learning subtle body language cues, learning how to not take things so seriously, and overall social awareness / competence.

Theres no way that level of repetition doesnt set you up to be a social master. When hes of age, I expect he'll be wise enough to take use rejection as an social tool rather than something that pushes him down like the average person.

Hes setting himself up for some elite level confidence and when you have that, women just throw themselves at you. Assuming you look decent enough. Hard to see someone like that get too butt hurt over a rejection like the average simp. All that social pressure and repetition sets you up to handle rejection better than almost anyone

Again, not really sure about all that. If he was doing all this on his with peers, or without a camera following him, I might be more inclined to agree with you. At his age, he could easily be approaching girls in private, in his own peer group. And maybe he is. It think that would provide better data to assess.

I think it's a bit rash to look at this video and proclaim this kid will soon have elite game. At the end of the day he is really just being funny. Which in many facets is useful and desired, but can also be used in a dysfunctional way. Many people use humor to help themselves fit in, find a missing sense of belonging, or feel less different. Others use humor to mask their true feelings, or to create an outward distraction so they and others do not look inwardly and see or confront inner turmoil. Of course all this could also just be a harmless bit of tomfoolery. It's had to really know without knowing the kid better.
Again, not really sure about all that. If he was doing all this on his with peers, or without a camera following him, I might be more inclined to agree with you. At his age, he could easily be approaching girls in private, in his own peer group. And maybe he is. It think that would provide better data to assess.

I think it's a bit rash to look at this video and proclaim this kid will soon have elite game. At the end of the day he is really just being funny. Which in many facets is useful and desired, but can also be used in a dysfunctional way. Many people use humor to help themselves fit in, find a missing sense of belonging, or feel less different. Others use humor to mask their true feelings, or to create an outward distraction so they and others do not look inwardly and see or confront inner turmoil. Of course all this could also just be a harmless bit of tomfoolery. It's had to really know without knowing the kid better.
nah, the kid knows he's going to be rejected nicely by them. That's the point he's only invested in his good time and he's getting good at navigating that space where the chick is freezing up in and making the awkwardness funny. Honing that will make him godly once he get's to highschool.
nah, the kid knows he's going to be rejected nicely by them. That's the point he's only invested in his good time and he's getting good at navigating that space where the chick is freezing up in and making the awkwardness funny. Honing that will make him godly once he get's to highschool.

While that may be true, it's not why he's doing it. He's doing it because he wants to be seen doing it. By us. Or worse, because his parents want us to see him doing it. Neither are the healthiest of pathologies.

This was not a kid you just happened to observe doing this while you were walking down the street.
let me know when one spreads her legs for him

until then, not impressed
They would bang him.

I've actually known women in real life, and was in good enough shape for 17 years that they side-chicks, mostly) were brutally honest with me. Either you know or you don't. But hey, let's let them lead society and change everything. It's cool.
Didn't, no make that couldn't,watch the whole video, but the girls that played along, were doing exactly that, playing along.
They would play along until the had a baby with him and spent 7 years in prison smiling about how "worth it" it was, just like the teachers who get caught. Women will do anything with what they think is "cute," and nothing with what they think isn't. Sorry.
Really bro, this video was enough to bring out your insecurities? You literally just one upped a video of an 11 year old kid hitting on girls by having to tell us how easy it is to get numbers and how many you have.

Also we know the girls were just flattering him because he was a cute kid, CaptainObvious.

What? It doesn't make me insecure. I'm just saying, him having more "game" than most of this forum I'd just not true, I'm trying to bring people up and you're putting them down by saying an 11 year old gets more pussy than them. I'm saying that's not true, don't believe that, and anyways, "game" is inconsequential, if you can talk in a straight line then you have "game", it's more about how much money you have and what you look like than anything. Everybody who isn't extremely awkward and/or seriously mentally ill has "game". That's 90% of the human population.
"If a 30-year-old man has sex with a 13-year-old girl, it's rape but if a 30-year-old woman... boo hoo!" What are you, a feminist? Don't you know men and women are NOT equal? First of all, there's no 13-year-old boy who hasn't dreamed about fucking his female teacher. Second of all, at 13 you're strong enough to throw any woman on her head so if it happened, you let it happen.
My ass 13 year old boys can just rag-doll grown women.

Unless it's forced rape, it's the same damn thing.

They despise you for sabotaging yourself.. You know that, right? They are looking everywhere else because of it.